Antisocial Personality Disorder Is It?
Published: March, 2019
Antisocial personality disorder, like other personality disorders, is a longstanding pattern of behavior and experience that impairs functioning and causes distress.
By definition, people with antisocial personality disorder don't follow society's norms, are deceitful and intimidating in relationships, and are inconsiderate of the rights of others.
People with this type of personality may take part in criminal activity. But if they do, they are not sorry for their hurtful deeds. They can be impulsive, reckless and sometimes violent. This disorder is far more common and more apparent in men than women.
People with antisocial personality disorder generally do not value "playing by the rules." They do so only if they are threatened with punishment.
This attitude leads to a tendency to exploit others. They take advantage of the fairness or softheartedness of others, and they feel indifferent toward or even contemptuous of their victims.
A person with this disorder has little, if any, ability to be intimate with another person. Any lasting relationships are likely to involve some degree of abuse or neglect. personality disorder
People with antisocial personality disorder are unlikely to believe they need help. However, they may seek help from their primary care provider because of other symptoms such as depression, anxiety or angry outbursts or for treatment of substance misuse.
People with antisocial personality disorder may not provide an accurate account of signs and symptoms. A key factor in diagnosis is how the affected person relates to others. With permission, family and friends may be able to provide helpful information.
After a medical evaluation to help rule out other medical conditions, the primary care provider may make a referral to a mental health professional for further evaluation.
Diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder is typically based on:
A psychological evaluation that explores thoughts, feelings, relationships, behavior patterns and family history
Personal and medical history
Symptoms listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association