Frank wrote on Jun 1
st, 2021 at 10:48am:
Everyone is a 'sock' since no-one here is the actual person named in Ozpolitic. Everyone is posting under a pseudonym ie as a 'sock' of their true identity.
This is a veritable sock drawer (yes, with a lot off odd socks and half pairs).
Yes and I think the obsession with eliminating 'socks' is ridiculous.
And, yes, everyone here is an approximation at best of a 'real' person whose true identity must be protected.
Given that moderators, or anyone else, cannot identify (short of posters' 'outing' themselves) who is a 'sock' and who is not, why even bother attempting to enforce an unprovable allegation?
If spouses or friends join a forum who post similar opinions to the 'target' poster... So what?
And, seriously, when people hold sophisticated or long-held ideals or beliefs, they're highly unlikely to be 'turned' by the numbers against them, let alone that often an idea has the advocate as much or more than the advocate has the idea.
Rules based on unprovable allegations do not enhance the quality of a forum; they merely provide narcissists and petty 'control freaks' a penny's experience of exercising arbitrary 'power'.