I have been reading the PA election thread in the tavern..and it amuses me to see where the most VOCAL I believe they even think of themselves as the most reasonable

are not even members so cannot vote anyway yet they seem to think they have all the answers... mostly in hindsight of course...
I find it really bizarre that aussie takes what is a prospective ELs manifesto and transposed it into an ozpol MRB so he can dissect it at leasure and make sure all those interested can see how he only wants to help with his pearls of wisdom ..lol...no all they want to do is pay back black orchid for what they perceive was all her fault them being permanently banned...its hardly a badge of honor after all... of course it had nothing to do with them nothing ever does

at least I have yet to see anyone own up to their own bad behavior
take ozpol for instance at one stage all of them were banned from here and peace reigned eventually a gmod thought they should be allowed back and I believe fd unbanned others... and ever since ozpol has been in turmoil one against the other... in fact I dont think I have seen one positive post from any of the unbanned they are mostly degrading/sneering or lying about someone.....
their one line personal attacks are now legendary one could almost run a book on how many times the words idiot and moron appear in any one thread...or how many times the past gets dragged into almost every thread because it happens every time they log in..anything to disrupt almost nothing on the topic..............
and now they want back into PA as if by any slim chance they would CHANGE ...

well guys having seen what they have done to ozpol and how they abuse it and indeed have shown no signs of gratitude for being allowed back.....the fact they have not given one ounce of respect to Black orchid who has done what they didnt do before they were banned....and thats get the place where it contained other posts than those which poured filth over each other.... which only the few appreciated and joined in....and No I dont hold IQ responsible for all of it....but he was the worst for sure...
if these persons were fair dinkum about being members of PA the very least I would expect a bit of civility and a show of a little respect for the out going EL...people get sick of the constant belittling of someone who is doing a job...and as far as I can see from that thread thats all PA members can look forward too if these banned members return...its what happened here

why would PA be any different?..