Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 19
th, 2021 at 11:40am:
You'd have to be pretty nieve to think that 100% of covid sufferers have been tested.
It's already in our society doing the rounds. Some people don't even know they have it, so they're not going to be tested.
To say that we are all at risk is just horse shyte. Propaganda started by those so called health professionals that have our best interests in mind. They're corrupt criminals selling a poison to the rats, and some rats are dying. Other rats are saying "just get the shot". Farrrk that.
Go ahead and jab the shyte in your arm. Don't push your shytty habits onto others.
Happy to be labelled a covid anti vaxer.
80% of people that get covid-19 will experience from no symptoms to mild cold symptoms and will fully recover from this virus.
15% will experience severe flu like symptoms.
Up to 5% may need hospitalisation and some of these will die.
As for the vaccines they have been rushed through with new technology never before used on the human population.
The vaccine efficacy is said to be good from the trials (90%-60%)but as we are seeing now people who have been fully vaccinated are getting ill from covid-19.
The vaccines donot stop you from getting sick they help you fight the virus should you be one of those that will have an adverse reaction to covid-19.
Vaccinated people can still catch and transmit covid-19 to other people.
And you will need a booster shot every year just like the common flu.