Frank wrote on Dec 24
th, 2021 at 9:55pm:
Laugh till you cry wrote on Dec 24
th, 2021 at 9:39pm:
Frank wrote on Dec 24
th, 2021 at 3:16pm:
For more than 200 years, Britain’s empire was a source of passionate national pride, and also the admiration and envy of foreigners.
In 1922, the American philosopher George Santayana enthused: ‘Never since the days of heroic Greece has the world had such a sweet, just, boyish master. It will be a black day for the human race when scientific blackguards, churls and fanatics manage to supplant him.’
Then Frank was born and everything turned to sh1t.
25% of Irish people are still enslaved in Northern Ireland.
Sub-saharan Africa should be sold to the Swiss for one dollar for 99 years with an option for two extensions.
All of Arab north Africa, the Levant, Syria, Iraq, Arabia should be under Israeli protectorate until they grow up (for ever, by that measure).
India, Pakiland, Bang-a-dash, Burma - British rule for another 200 years. SE Asia back to French and Dutch civilising forces, Phillippines to the US, PNG and Pacific micro states under Australian management.
Latin America back to Spanish and Portugese control. Mexico unded Texan rule. China under joint Korean, Japanese, British rule.
The dusty, dark and resentful races are far from maturity. It was cruel and dangerous to cut them loose before they were ready. The UN should step in and appoint the right guardians for them.
I said in a recent post challenging Valkie on his absolutely abhorent views that he was the second worst person on OzPol. Second only to Frank.
And my! Do we have it here in spades.
I honestly don't think i've ever read a more inflammatory, hateful, condescending, elitist, supremacist, brain-washed and utterly tone deaf comment than this on any platform. Ever. Although i haven't read Mein Kampf.
It's beyond my understanding that a person in 2021, with all we know, can think these things let alone have the utter lack of shame and embarrassment to admit to thinking them. I know this is an anonymous forum bit still.
And nobody besides Mustapha has challenged him on it! Astonishing!
Frank, you're an old man. You're dying. Just so you know, your thoughts are dying with you. You've raged, raged, raged against the dyingof the light but alas, you're snuffed. Nobody buys your crap anymore. We've moved well on.