UnSubRocky wrote on Jun 7
th, 2021 at 4:50pm:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Jun 7
th, 2021 at 8:59am:
And so... Why suddenly the three-child policy?
My conspiracy theory was that the virus was released deliberately in China for the purpose of passively-aggressively getting rid of the elderly who are too frail to work. The elderly are considered a burden on their families (even though the families usually love their elderly parents/grandparents).
Sure feeds into the plot of a conspiracy theory!
The one-child policy starts the drop in birthrate, but that created the problem of a quickly aging population.
Then, in 2016, the two-child policy is enacted which has failed because a cultural theme of 'lay-flat-ism' has developed among China's 'Little Emperors' (the progeny of the one-child family) - China's millennials with a version of 'turn on, tune in and drop out', with Chinese characteristics, of course.
Lie-flat-ism is about not striving for a good job, living as simply as possible with no ambition and, most importantly, not having children.
Then a virus that kills the old almost exclusively...
Then in 2021, the three-child policy...
How long will it be before Chinese nationals are forced to have children? It's been done before - during the communist era in Romania under Ceausescu which created a 'plague' of abandoned children.
Abandoned children means more slaves for industries.
Sure got all the motifs of a dystopian movie script!