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Fiji, too (Read 215 times)
Grappler Deep State Feller
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Australian Politics

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Fiji, too
Jun 8th, 2021 at 2:54pm

"The highly-infectious Delta Covid-19 variant, which is partly fuelling Melbourne's latest outbreak, is also wreaking havoc in nearby Fiji.

After initial success in containing the virus during the first year of the pandemic, the Pacific nation is now struggling amid a surge in cases, registering a record 83 on Sunday. There were a further 64 announced on Monday.

Fiji only recorded 70 cases before April this year. It has now recorded 751.

Complicating matters, three cases in the outbreak have been three employees at the nation's Covid-19 management team, sending the Ministry of Health into chaos last week.

Among the people forced to isolate was Permanent Secretary for Health and Medical Services, Dr James Fong, who is leading the Covid response."

More if you want to read it.

It's no good using lock and key,
This bloody thing can cross the sea!!

Infalling pathogen anyone?

From memory, they postulated that a lapse of about eighteen months after a comet transit allowed pathogens to fall into our atmosphere... must get the book...
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Carl D
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 9662
Rivervale, Perth
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Re: Fiji, too
Reply #1 - Jun 9th, 2021 at 12:34am
OK, I'll bite (since no-one else seems to want to take a shot).

Infalling pathogen anyone?

lol... no. Grin

It's no good using lock and key,
This bloody thing can cross the sea!!

Of course it can... by international air travel (of infected people). And, to a lesser extent - sea travel (ships).

Same way it spread from China to every other part of the world.
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« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2021 at 12:43am by Carl D »  

** Repeat Covid infections exercise our immune system in the same way that repeat concussions exercise our brain **
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