Brian Ross wrote on Jun 12
th, 2021 at 1:12pm:
I always find it interesting how Gordon only ever quotes stuff that supports his Racist views of Indigenous Australians/Asians/Muslims/etc. Never the full story. Is it because he fears that it might actually demolish what he is claiming?
I find it tedious that Bbwian always accuses others of what he himself is doing - this time, like Pascoe, he is quoting very selectively, ignoring the pertinent in favour of the peripheral. The description of what Pascoe did in Dark Emu is a fitting description also of what Bbwian does here. How many times did Bbwian respond with the same mindless accusation of racism in response to various posts pointing out what the authors of this new book now also demonstrate. And Bbwian's response remains the same, mindless puffery about racism and even Islamophobia.
He says of Gordin, 'never the full story' , but with Bbwian the identical, empty and repetitious, yawning, eyerolling tut-tutting posts by the dozen ARE the full story.
It is into this fraught arena that Sutton and his co-author, archaeologist Keryn Walshe, now step with Farmers or Hunter-Gatherers? The Dark Emu Debate. And their
rebuttal of Dark Emu, published next week by Melbourne University Press
, is damning. In page after page, Sutton and Walshe accuse Pascoe of a “lack of true scholarship”, ignoring Aboriginal voices, dragging respect for traditional Aboriginal culture back into the Eurocentric world of the colonial era, and “trimming” colonial observations to fit his argument. They write that while Dark Emu “purports to be factual” it is “l
ittered with unsourced material, is poorly researched, distorts and exaggerates many points, selectively emphasises evidence to suit those opinions, and ignores large bodies of information that do not support the author’s opinions”.“It is actually not, properly considered, a work of scholarship,” they write. “Its success as a narrative has been achieved in spite of its failure as an account of fact.”