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Question: Is bwyannnnnnnnnn ever going to accept the truth
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Not a chance, too invested    
  4 (57.1%)
Not likely, he will never accept truth    
  0 (0.0%)
Unlikely, too pig headed to back down    
  2 (28.6%)
Only if he has a hint of honesty in him    
  0 (0.0%)
Of course he will, he da man, tut tut    
  1 (14.3%)

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« Created by: Valkie on: Jun 17th, 2021 at 6:47pm »

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Dark Emu debunked (Read 13433 times)
Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #120 - Jun 17th, 2021 at 11:35pm
Karnal wrote on Jun 17th, 2021 at 9:39pm:
Have you tried blaming Islam?

I blame the feminists exclusively for all the ills of modern Western society, not least for the reality that they have turned a once vibrant and energetic and thrusting society into a bunch of wimps ready for the plucking by any Chinker or Musso who comes along..

YOU?  Oh - and the Mussos are to blame as well for their gross misogyny which causes them to mistake gentlemanly behaviour for supplication... WAPOFW ...
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #121 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 12:34am
As eminent anthropologist Peter Sutton and archaeologist Keryn Walshe meticulously demonstrate in Farmers or Hunter-Gatherers?, released this week by Melbourne University Press, Dark Emu is “poorly researched, distorts and exaggerates many old sources, ignores large bodies of information that do not support the author’s opinions (and) contains a large number of factual errors”.
Highlighting instance after instance in which Pascoe doctors key quotes, misrepresents dates, places and numbers, and miscites crucial references, they expose conduct that would be widely considered unacceptable.

And the problems they identify are, if anything, greater in the educational material Pascoe has influenced or prepared, which, they write, would “seriously mislead” young people and “should be withdrawn by any educational authority currently using it”.

However, Dark Emu’s glaring flaws do not just lie in the distortions of fact and authority on which it bases its wildly implausible claims; even more troubling is its fundamental disregard for Indigenous culture.

In effect, what it presents as admirable in precolonial Indigenous society is not what makes it distinctive but what brings it closer to us: the alleged complexity of its technology; the scale of its tribal gatherings; the supposed durability and number of its dwellings.

Dark Emu’s rigidly ethnocentric conception of merit, in which quantity is confused for quality, is, as Sutton and Walshe wryly observe, resolutely “Texan”.

But to view Indigenous culture through that prism is utterly misguided. That culture was not oriented to material affluence, and even less to technological change.

Rather, Sutton and Walshe write, “for the Old People, making a living and obtaining materials for artefacts were inseparable from their commitment to a spiritual understanding of the origin of species, to conservative values in relation to change and to a cosmology in which economics had to be in conformity to ancestral authority”. They lived, in other words, in what philosopher Charles Taylor has described as a “world brimming with pres­ences”, in which the spiritual and the temporal, the natural and the supernatural, were fused within a cosmic order that was not to be manipulated and transformed — as it was in the West — but revered and maintained.

What we would now call faith was not a distinct sphere of life; it was inseparable from life itself, there forever, from the Dreaming, whose latent powers, including for the cyclical regrowth of plants and animals, were to be preserved through obedience to its demands. And where technologies — such as their Melanesian neighbours’ agricultural and horticultural methods — had not been sanctioned by the Dreaming, they rejected them, not out of ignorance but out of respect for the transcendent foundations of earthly existence.

In contrast, Pascoe’s caricature – which “consistently pushes the evidence of Aboriginal subsistence beyond what it can factually bear and into a European model of economic life … as if the more European the Old People can be made to seem, the better” – robbed that world of its spirituality. That certainly made Dark Emu all the more attractive to the staunchly secular “progressives”, who are its fiercest defenders; but it also made Pascoe incapable of understanding, much less explaining, the Indigenous world’s stability and persistence.

Ultimately, it condemned his book to being little more than “a popularised mythology of history” that “does not respect or do justice to” the societies it purports to admire.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #122 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 12:37am
Contentiously identifying as Aboriginal, he repeatedly presented his book as a defence of Indigenous people; it followed, in a warped syllogism, that to criticise it would be to attack them.

And with access to remote sites now conditional on securing Indigenous approval, any researcher who was branded as a racist faced the threat of being excluded from the field work needed to build a career.

But an even more powerful force has also been at work: the conviction, which has become pervasive in our universities, that telling the truth, instead of being the first and greatest duty, is not as important as achieving social goals. Being right matters far less than being on the right side; and it is immeasurably worse to concede a point to the wrong side than to tolerate error.

That is a recipe not for advancing knowledge but for entrenching ignorance. It can only make us a poorer and stupider, more Bbwianesque country, while training future generations in conformity rather than intellectual honesty.

In subjecting Dark Emu to the most painful, but most valuable, of science’s tests, the test of fact, Sutton and Walshe break that mould. Their courage not only does this country and its Indigenous people an immense service; it also shows that, despite everything, our finest scholars are still capable of producing “books with spine."

Our resident spineless apologist operates with just this kind of  'warped syllogism' himself, always drawing  conclusions that simply do not follow from the premises.

Pascoe, the B Wongar of our time.

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« Last Edit: Jun 18th, 2021 at 12:54am by Frank »  

Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #123 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:03am

Contentiously identifying as Aboriginal, he repeatedly presented his book as a defence of Indigenous people; it followed, in a warped syllogism, that to criticise it would be to attack them.

And this is the crux of the matter.

By using the indigenous title, he and WOKE sycophants attempt to deny the truth, facts and scientific review by screaming "RACIST" at any who deny the lies and fabrications.

Much the same as muzzos immediately jump on anyone questioning ANYTHING they say or do with their cult, Pasco followers jump and scream "BOGOT", "RACIST" stick their fingers in their ears and hum "tra la la I cant hear you" 

Truth, facts and honesty are furthest from their minds.
Most importantly is that they attempt to make Aboriginals out to be more than they ever have been.
Hunter Gatherers who had not even reached the stone age technology.
They did not build houses
They did not farm
They couldn't even lash a rock to a stick

Even the primitives of New Guinea were more advanced, and they had no materials that could have been mined to make metal weapons.

Why they need to do this is beyond me.
Why not simply accept the fact that Australian aboriginals were simply primitives, that was 200 years ago.
They have had ample opportunity to advance to the same as the more advanced colonizers who came and rescued them from extinction.
Or is it simply that they have no wish or drive to advance beyond parasitical life?

White abbos are the worst
Just enough aboriginal to know how primitive they were
and just enough white to be embarrassed and angry about it.

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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #124 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:43am
"In acknowledging this week that Pascoe had “fallen short” regarding his “intellectual rigour,” The Age nonetheless urged caution. “We hope the latest chapter in the Dark Emu debate does not reignite the culture wars,” it editorialised. This completely misses the point. For the past few years, Dark Emu has been intrinsic in a postmodernist strategy to delegitimise white settlement of Australia, and one that frequently involves vilifying those who question its claims."

Just so.
The mindless adulation and fawning by the usual Balmain Bolsheviks was the biggest red flag, always is.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #125 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 9:56am
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 17th, 2021 at 6:20pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Only Belgarion appears to have attempted to address Pascoe's argument.  Matty, Soren, Gnads, etc. are still lost in the void of argumentum ad huminem, perhaps forever.  Tsk, tsk.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

You posting this same repetitious bs does nothing to support Pascoes plagerised, selectively interpreted fairytales. Tsk tsk tsk dearie dearie whatta wanker Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #126 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 10:23am
Frank wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:43am:
"In acknowledging this week that Pascoe had “fallen short” regarding his “intellectual rigour,” The Age nonetheless urged caution. “We hope the latest chapter in the Dark Emu debate does not reignite the culture wars,” it editorialised. This completely misses the point. For the past few years, Dark Emu has been intrinsic in a postmodernist strategy to delegitimise white settlement of Australia, and one that frequently involves vilifying those who question its claims."

Just so.
The mindless adulation and fawning by the usual Balmain Bolsheviks was the biggest red flag, always is.

Trying to reignite the culture wars, are we?

Shurely shome mishtake. All Pascoe's pointed out is they invented a stick. If you think that delegitimizes the white settlement  of Australia, it's a thin veneer indeed.

Freud on Man's Stool, innit. Quite so.
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #127 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 10:25am
Valkie wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:03am:

Contentiously identifying as Aboriginal, he repeatedly presented his book as a defence of Indigenous people; it followed, in a warped syllogism, that to criticise it would be to attack them.

And this is the crux of the matter.

By using the indigenous title, he and WOKE sycophants attempt to deny the truth, facts and scientific review by screaming "RACIST" at any who deny the lies and fabrications.

Much the same as muzzos immediately jump on anyone questioning ANYTHING they say or do with their cult, Pasco followers jump and scream "BOGOT", "RACIST" stick their fingers in their ears and hum "tra la la I cant hear you" 

Truth, facts and honesty are furthest from their minds.
Most importantly is that they attempt to make Aboriginals out to be more than they ever have been.
Hunter Gatherers who had not even reached the stone age technology.
They did not build houses
They did not farm
They couldn't even lash a rock to a stick

Even the primitives of New Guinea were more advanced, and they had no materials that could have been mined to make metal weapons.

Why they need to do this is beyond me.
Why not simply accept the fact that Australian aboriginals were simply primitives, that was 200 years ago.
They have had ample opportunity to advance to the same as the more advanced colonizers who came and rescued them from extinction.
Or is it simply that they have no wish or drive to advance beyond parasitical life?

White abbos are the worst
Just enough aboriginal to know how primitive they were
and just enough white to be embarrassed and angry about it.

And here's Matty, trying ever so hard not to reignite any culture wars.

Quite so, no?
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #128 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 10:55am
Frank wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:43am:
"In acknowledging this week that Pascoe had “fallen short” regarding his “intellectual rigour,” The Age nonetheless urged caution. “We hope the latest chapter in the Dark Emu debate does not reignite the culture wars,” it editorialised. This completely misses the point. For the past few years, Dark Emu has been intrinsic in a postmodernist strategy to delegitimise white settlement of Australia, and one that frequently involves vilifying those who question its claims."

Just so.
The mindless adulation and fawning by the usual Balmain Bolsheviks was the biggest red flag, always is.

Dark Emu itself was designed to reignite the 'culture wars' and set Aboriginal against White Man... a lost cause if ever there was one, but certainly one that will not do anything good for the Aborigines.

The whole purpose of this silly tract was to stir up trouble between Black and White - and frankly, I personally couldn't give one rat's what conditions were like in 1788 - my families have been here too long to be bothered about or to even consider handing the nation over to a bunch of people with no skills to handle modern society.

Would someone, just once, lay out for us exactly what these activist think they want???  Considering that claims of 'Aboriginal Land' are outrageous and infantile these days. ... long, long gone. Call it what you like - you gotta earn it to use it and those who earned it are not going to hand it to you.
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #129 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 11:16am
Karnal wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 10:23am:
Frank wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:43am:
"In acknowledging this week that Pascoe had “fallen short” regarding his “intellectual rigour,” The Age nonetheless urged caution. “We hope the latest chapter in the Dark Emu debate does not reignite the culture wars,” it editorialised. This completely misses the point. For the past few years, Dark Emu has been intrinsic in a postmodernist strategy to delegitimise white settlement of Australia, and one that frequently involves vilifying those who question its claims."

Just so.
The mindless adulation and fawning by the usual Balmain Bolsheviks was the biggest red flag, always is.

Trying to reignite the culture wars, are we?

Shurely shome mishtake. All Pascoe's pointed out is they invented a stick. If you think that delegitimizes the white settlement  of Australia, it's a thin veneer indeed.

Freud on Man's Stool, innit. Quite so.

Identifying you as "Anal K" correctly nails your balls to the floor, paki bvgger. Your developmental stuntedness is Bwianesque, as is your rejoicing in it.
Btw, you forgot to say "you?". Missed your verbal tick medication suppository?
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 96721
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #130 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 2:27pm
Frank wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 11:16am:
Karnal wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 10:23am:
Frank wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:43am:
"In acknowledging this week that Pascoe had “fallen short” regarding his “intellectual rigour,” The Age nonetheless urged caution. “We hope the latest chapter in the Dark Emu debate does not reignite the culture wars,” it editorialised. This completely misses the point. For the past few years, Dark Emu has been intrinsic in a postmodernist strategy to delegitimise white settlement of Australia, and one that frequently involves vilifying those who question its claims."

Just so.
The mindless adulation and fawning by the usual Balmain Bolsheviks was the biggest red flag, always is.

Trying to reignite the culture wars, are we?

Shurely shome mishtake. All Pascoe's pointed out is they invented a stick. If you think that delegitimizes the white settlement  of Australia, it's a thin veneer indeed.

Freud on Man's Stool, innit. Quite so.

Identifying you as "Anal K" correctly nails your balls to the floor, paki bvgger. Your developmental stuntedness is Bwianesque, as is your rejoicing in it.
Btw, you forgot to say "you?". Missed your verbal tick medication suppository?

Balls? I wouldn't know, dear. I'm gender fluid.

Identifying you as a silly old kook from the Old Country is correct. You blow-ins are so thin-skinned, you scratch and you bleed. You get yourselves into a right old state.

We've been here 50,000 years, we invented a stick. Pascoe said.

Now you go off, read the book, and come back if you have any issues. Until then, you're just playing with scissors and a pot of glue. Pretending there's a plot to delegitimise the white settlement of Australia suggests you've been sniffing it.

Just so.
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #131 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 2:34pm
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 10:55am:
Frank wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:43am:
"In acknowledging this week that Pascoe had “fallen short” regarding his “intellectual rigour,” The Age nonetheless urged caution. “We hope the latest chapter in the Dark Emu debate does not reignite the culture wars,” it editorialised. This completely misses the point. For the past few years, Dark Emu has been intrinsic in a postmodernist strategy to delegitimise white settlement of Australia, and one that frequently involves vilifying those who question its claims."

Just so.
The mindless adulation and fawning by the usual Balmain Bolsheviks was the biggest red flag, always is.

Dark Emu itself was designed to reignite the 'culture wars' and set Aboriginal against White Man... a lost cause if ever there was one, but certainly one that will not do anything good for the Aborigines.

The whole purpose of this silly tract was to stir up trouble between Black and White -

You said that already, dear. We suggested you prove it. You've been yeah-but-no-butting ever since.

The old boy held back from calling you stupid and mendacious. Most generous of him, no?

Quite so.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #132 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 5:41pm


Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Only Belgarion appears to have attempted to address Pascoe's argument.  Matty, Soren, Gnads, etc. are still lost in the void of argumentum ad huminem, perhaps forever.  Tsk, tsk.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #133 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 5:50pm
MY doctor is a nice dark chap from Nigeria. How many dark Aboriginal Doctors are there?
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #134 - Jun 18th, 2021 at 6:21pm
Frank wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 12:37am:
Our resident spineless apologist operates with just this kind of  'warped syllogism' himself, always drawing  conclusions that simply do not follow from the premises.

That seems to be the case.
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