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Question: Is bwyannnnnnnnnn ever going to accept the truth
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Not a chance, too invested    
  4 (57.1%)
Not likely, he will never accept truth    
  0 (0.0%)
Unlikely, too pig headed to back down    
  2 (28.6%)
Only if he has a hint of honesty in him    
  0 (0.0%)
Of course he will, he da man, tut tut    
  1 (14.3%)

Total votes: 7
« Created by: Valkie on: Jun 17th, 2021 at 6:47pm »

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Dark Emu debunked (Read 13582 times)
Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96744
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #75 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:34pm
Gordon wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:30pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:23pm:
Oh, Matty, you are a silly Billy. Pascoe never mentioned cities. Look what your emeritus professor says:

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

And you're saying Bwiaaaan's lying?

Come come. You've just proven Pascoe's case.

Don't worry Karnal, nobody's trying to say they didn't invent a stick.

Ah yes, but didn't your people invent a burning bush?

Careful, Gordon - don't take it over to Homo's mother's house. You'll cause a right kerfuffle.
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Gold Member

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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #76 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:37pm
I have here just one of the references that shows that Pascoe misrepresented the journals of early explorers to suit his agenda. I will also post part of it so those who remain in denial by not following the references can confront reality:

Pascoe loves to quote the explorer Charles Sturt. Incorrectly in most cases. Check to see what Pascoe made up from just this small section of Sturt’s journal.

Charles Sturt wrote – “…. however, we reached the hill soon after the natives had gone over it, and on gaining the summit were hailed with a deafening shout by 3 or 400 natives, who were assembled in the flat below. I do not know, that my desire to see the savage in his wild state, was ever more gratified than on this occasion, for I had never before come so suddenly upon so large a party. The scene was one of the most animated description, and was rendered still more striking from the circumstance of the native huts, at which there were a number of women and children, occupying the whole crest of a long piece of rising ground at the opposite side of the flat.”

Pascoe changes the number of people and adds in a bit of drama, by inventing the story that the explorers were “saved from death”, and he throws in a bit more fiction by including harvesting grain. He says –

Version 1. “Charles Sturt’s exploration party of 1844 was saved from death when it chanced upon four hundred Aboriginal people harvesting grain on the Warburton River (South Australia),”

Version 2. “There were nearly 1000 people living there, in this little model community with timber and thatch houses, beautiful dwellings, which Sturt describes quite well.”

Sturt says. “I checked my horse for a short time on the top of the sand hill, and gazed on the assemblage of agitated figures below me, covering so small a space that I could have enclosed the whole under a casting net, and then quietly rode down into the flat, followed by Mr. Stuart and my men, to one of whom I gave my horse when I dismounted, and then walked to the natives, by whom Mr. Stuart and myself were immediately surrounded.  Had these people been of an unfriendly temper, we could not by any possibility have escaped them, for our horses could not have broken into a canter to save our lives or their own. We were therefore wholly in their power, although happily for us perhaps, they were not aware of it; but, so far from exhibiting any unkind feeling, they treated us with genuine hospitality, and we might certainly have commanded whatever they had.”

Pascoe adds in his drama and says – “They’ve eaten all their horses but one. They’ve got no water, they’ve got no food, they’re dying. They climb a sand dune and look down. Sturt can hardly see by this stage, but they’re accosted by 1000 Aboriginal people ….. And so Sturt writes that if those people had been aggressive to him that they could have done nothing, because the horse they had left couldn’t have run to save its life and they couldn’t have walked to save their lives. They were at the mercy of these people who came up and grabbed hold of them, virtually carried them down to the bottom of the dune.”

Sturt wrote. “Several of them brought us large troughs of water, and when we had taken a little, held them up for our horses to drink; an instance of nerve that is very remarkable, for I am quite sure that no white man, (having never seen or heard of a horse before, and with the natural apprehension the first sight of such an animal would create,) would deliberately have walked up to what must have appeared to them most formidable brutes, and placing the troughs they carried against their breast, have allowed the horses to drink, with their noses almost touching them.”

This is just a small sample. Plenty of others for those who care to look. Pascoe has been thoroughly discredited.
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"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #77 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:39pm
Karnal wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:34pm:
Gordon wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:30pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:23pm:
Oh, Matty, you are a silly Billy. Pascoe never mentioned cities. Look what your emeritus professor says:

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

And you're saying Bwiaaaan's lying?

Come come. You've just proven Pascoe's case.

Don't worry Karnal, nobody's trying to say they didn't invent a stick.

Ah yes, but didn't your people invent a burning bush?

Careful, Gordon - don't take it over to Homo's mother's house. You'll cause a right kerfuffle.

Your great uncle invented a biscuit that looks like an Abo
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Brian Ross
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Posts: 42629
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #78 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:54pm
Belgarion wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:37pm:
I have here just one of the references that shows that Pascoe misrepresented the journals of early explorers to suit his agenda. I will also post part of it so those who remain in denial by not following the references can confront reality:

Pascoe loves to quote the explorer Charles Sturt. Incorrectly in most cases. Check to see what Pascoe made up from just this small section of Sturt’s journal.

Charles Sturt wrote – “…. however, we reached the hill soon after the natives had gone over it, and on gaining the summit were hailed with a deafening shout by 3 or 400 natives, who were assembled in the flat below. I do not know, that my desire to see the savage in his wild state, was ever more gratified than on this occasion, for I had never before come so suddenly upon so large a party. The scene was one of the most animated description, and was rendered still more striking from the circumstance of the native huts, at which there were a number of women and children, occupying the whole crest of a long piece of rising ground at the opposite side of the flat.”

Pascoe changes the number of people and adds in a bit of drama, by inventing the story that the explorers were “saved from death”, and he throws in a bit more fiction by including harvesting grain. He says –

Version 1. “Charles Sturt’s exploration party of 1844 was saved from death when it chanced upon four hundred Aboriginal people harvesting grain on the Warburton River (South Australia),”

Version 2. “There were nearly 1000 people living there, in this little model community with timber and thatch houses, beautiful dwellings, which Sturt describes quite well.”

Sturt says. “I checked my horse for a short time on the top of the sand hill, and gazed on the assemblage of agitated figures below me, covering so small a space that I could have enclosed the whole under a casting net, and then quietly rode down into the flat, followed by Mr. Stuart and my men, to one of whom I gave my horse when I dismounted, and then walked to the natives, by whom Mr. Stuart and myself were immediately surrounded.  Had these people been of an unfriendly temper, we could not by any possibility have escaped them, for our horses could not have broken into a canter to save our lives or their own. We were therefore wholly in their power, although happily for us perhaps, they were not aware of it; but, so far from exhibiting any unkind feeling, they treated us with genuine hospitality, and we might certainly have commanded whatever they had.”

Pascoe adds in his drama and says – “They’ve eaten all their horses but one. They’ve got no water, they’ve got no food, they’re dying. They climb a sand dune and look down. Sturt can hardly see by this stage, but they’re accosted by 1000 Aboriginal people ….. And so Sturt writes that if those people had been aggressive to him that they could have done nothing, because the horse they had left couldn’t have run to save its life and they couldn’t have walked to save their lives. They were at the mercy of these people who came up and grabbed hold of them, virtually carried them down to the bottom of the dune.”

Sturt wrote. “Several of them brought us large troughs of water, and when we had taken a little, held them up for our horses to drink; an instance of nerve that is very remarkable, for I am quite sure that no white man, (having never seen or heard of a horse before, and with the natural apprehension the first sight of such an animal would create,) would deliberately have walked up to what must have appeared to them most formidable brutes, and placing the troughs they carried against their breast, have allowed the horses to drink, with their noses almost touching them.”

This is just a small sample. Plenty of others for those who care to look. Pascoe has been thoroughly discredited.

Good, good, some meat on the bone of an argument.  Excellent.  Finally someone who has gasped the gist of Pascoe's argument and addressed it.  Great.  Unfortunately, I think a lot of it is about the use of words, rather than the substance of what Pascoe said that Sturt reported.  Sturt reported a large number of Indigenous Australians in one small area.  They apparently had dwellings ("huts/houses") and a water source.  You really can't sustain a large number of people without some form of agriculture.  What kind?  It isn't mentioned, except by Pascoe.  Funny that, hey?   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #79 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 3:09pm
Bwyannnnnnnn has had his balls handed to you in the Pascoe thread.

Defeated again, so its back to tut tut.

And we all know what that means.

The tut tut and emoji are bwyannnnnn's way of surrendering to a superior argument.

Its his declaration of defeat.

That's all.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #80 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 3:36pm
Well - the weight of opinion in the field of Aboriginal history seems to be weighing massively against Pascoe and the Pascolytes ... it's rather sad that an attempt, no matter how febrile, to promote some idea of advanced civilisation among the Indigenous has failed so dismally... it's a pity the evidence shows a different story.....

Thing I love about NITV is how they fill out their time and space with Maori and American Indian and Negro stuff... not enough solid tales to run around from Australia... but, of course, the intent is to create some emotion-based 'connection' between all these 'Indigenous' groups, as if they are all one and the same worldwide....

Trouble is that seeing stuff like some Zulu being bashed in South Africa fuels the unthinking to think they are the ones bashed....

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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Australian Politics

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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #81 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 4:27pm
Gordon wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:39pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:34pm:
Gordon wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:30pm:
Karnal wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 2:23pm:
Oh, Matty, you are a silly Billy. Pascoe never mentioned cities. Look what your emeritus professor says:

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

And you're saying Bwiaaaan's lying?

Come come. You've just proven Pascoe's case.

Don't worry Karnal, nobody's trying to say they didn't invent a stick.

Ah yes, but didn't your people invent a burning bush?

Careful, Gordon - don't take it over to Homo's mother's house. You'll cause a right kerfuffle.

Your great uncle invented a biscuit that looks like an Abo

Nonsense, that's a Golliwog, as every schoolboy knows. They imported them from America.

The Boong biscuits are totally different. They're disguised as witchetty grubs and contain rat poison.

Looks like you didn't sit your citizenship test either.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 96744
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #82 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 4:29pm
Valkie wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 3:09pm:
Bwyannnnnnnn has had his balls handed to you in the Pascoe thread.

Defeated again, so its back to tut tut.

And we all know what that means.

The tut tut and emoji are bwyannnnnn's way of surrendering to a superior argument.

Its his declaration of defeat.

That's all.

Back to repeating yourself again. How are you any different to the tsk tsker?

He actually makes points. You just deliver triumphant chortles.

Careful, Matty. Lee might drop in and wink at you.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96744
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #83 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 4:32pm
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 3:36pm:
Well - the weight of opinion in the field of Aboriginal history seems to be weighing massively against Pascoe and the Pascolytes ... it's rather sad that an attempt, no matter how febrile, to promote some idea of advanced civilisation among the Indigenous has failed so dismally... it's a pity the evidence shows a different story.....

Thing I love about NITV is how they fill out their time and space with Maori and American Indian and Negro stuff... not enough solid tales to run around from Australia... but, of course, the intent is to create some emotion-based 'connection' between all these 'Indigenous' groups, as if they are all one and the same worldwide....

Trouble is that seeing stuff like some Zulu being bashed in South Africa fuels the unthinking to think they are the ones bashed....

True, dear, it's called content. You'll find the commercial stations do the same - not enough Aussie soaps, you see.

Lucky we have Ernie Dingo, no?
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #84 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 5:55pm
Bwyannnnnnnn and his boyfriend Anal, k have had their balls handed to them in the Pascoe thread.

Bwyannnnnn Defeated again, so its back to tut tut.
Anal,k follows on with asinine insults.

And we all know what that means.

The tut tut and emoji are bwyannnnnn's way of surrendering to a superior argument.
And Anal, k is simply a moron.

Its their declaration of defeat.

That's all.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96744
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #85 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 6:05pm
Valkie wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 5:55pm:
Bwyannnnnnnn and his boyfriend Anal, k have had their balls handed to them in the Pascoe thread.

Bwyannnnnn Defeated again, so its back to tut tut.
Anal,k follows on with asinine insults.

And we all know what that means.

The tut tut and emoji are bwyannnnnn's way of surrendering to a superior argument.
And Anal, k is simply a moron.

Its their declaration of defeat.

That's all.

You're still going on? I would have thought your emeritus professor's comments in support of Pascoe would see you running off or trying to crash the board with spam.

No worries. Who are all the others you mentioned? I think you said several. Post them all up for us.

My boyfriend Brian will check. Tsk tsk tsk, no?
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Brian Ross
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Posts: 42629
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #86 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 6:38pm


Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Only Belgarion appears to have attempted to address Pascoe's argument.  Matty, Soren, Gnads, etc. are still lost in the void of argumentum ad huminem, perhaps forever.  Tsk, tsk.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96744
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #87 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 6:58pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jun 16th, 2021 at 6:38pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Only Belgarion appears to have attempted to address Pascoe's argument.  Matty, Soren, Gnads, etc. are still lost in the void of argumentum ad huminem, perhaps forever.  Tsk, tsk.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

You've really got Matty rattled, Brian. What's your secret?

Do you think it's the yawn?
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

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Central Coast
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Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #88 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 7:12pm
Bwyannnnnnnn and his boyfriend Anal, k have had their balls handed to them in the Pascoe thread.

Bwyannnnnn Defeated again, so its back to tut tut.
Anal,k follows on with asinine insults.

And we all know what that means.

The tut tut and emoji are bwyannnnnn's way of surrendering to a superior argument.
And Anal, k is simply a moron.

Its their declaration of defeat.

That's all.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96744
Re: Dark Emu debunked
Reply #89 - Jun 16th, 2021 at 7:39pm
I'm sorry, Matty, you'll need to start a new thread, this simply won't do.

Now let's see, Dark Emu Debunked, Dark Emu Rebutted, Dark Emu Smeared, have you considered Dark Emu Rogered and Erradicated By Superior Intelligence?

Give it a go. Brian might try to divorce his silly old boyfriend.
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