Ajax wrote on Jul 4
th, 2021 at 11:05am:
The fact that you consumed 30 apricot seeds a day is not that just way too much...???...if you do the math...?
30 apricot seeds a day had been tried and tested by many before me. When the tumor went, I cut down to 6 per day. These were properly prepared seeds in a 1k bag, that's a lot of seeds and they can go off if not kept in a fridge, even then they don't last forever. I waited months, then years, to see if the cancer reoccurred but it didn't so I threw the remaining seeds in the bin because they were past their "Best before" time
The seed cyanide is poisonous just as Chemo is, but all I felt was a fuzziness around my eyes eating 30/day. With Chemo, hair falls out, and you can get pretty sick ... read the testimonials
The prepared seeds are no longer available in Australia (hounded out of business), however, the seller I was buying them from gave me info where to buy concentrated amygdalin liquid at a much higher price ($100 .... the 1k bag of seeds was $21)
For a preventative measure, you are doing the right thing chewing on apple seeds, just not too many if there's nothing obviously wrong and your health seems fine. We are already ingesting cyanide from other sources without realizing it
Interestingly, the chemicals in the seeds are not cyanide to start with, they metabolize into cyanide in the body ...
Pits and seeds of common fruits, such as apricots, apples, and peaches, may have substantial amounts of chemicals which are metabolized to cyanide.
Your body metabolizes amygdalin as hydrogen cyanide
" ... Amygdalin is not cyanide, not until it's ingested - just saying
There's been a change in attitude about marijuana for medicine, now we need a change of attitude for amygdalin