According to the presenter of this video,
Cancer is a deficiency disease aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in our diet.
That food compound is vitamin B17, other names it goes by are amygdalin and man made and purified laetrile.
This food compound can be found in all sorts of berries, in the seeds of grapes and apples, so next time you eat and apple make sure to eat the seeds as well you have to crush them with your teeth or they will more than likely pass through.
B17 compound found in the pits or seeds of apricots, apples, peaches, plums, red cherries, and other fruits. It's also in bitter almonds.
The richest source of vitamin B17 can be found in the stone of the apricot.
Crack open the stone and you will find a bitter almond looking seed inside.
Caution though B17 contains cyanide so you dont want to over do it.
They say that if you include B17 in your diet chances are you will not get cancer.
Of course big pharma will call this out as witch doctor medicine.
But here is the info for you to make up your mind on whether it is true or false.
So what was the reason they are trying to give us seedless fruit...???