Dnarever wrote on Jun 26
th, 2021 at 4:03pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 25
th, 2021 at 11:27pm:
Dnarever wrote on Jun 25
th, 2021 at 9:30pm:
Quote:How woke are the woke,, that is the question
Yes but I feel that ,,, the question of how asleep are the slept is more relevant. (And has more commas)
Define your slept for us....
The opposite to the meaningless woke or "Woke of the right" - "Un Woke - Slept".
adjective INFORMAL
Blind to or supporting of injustice in society, especially racism.
So lay out for us all the injustices in our society..... you may place emphasis on all the facets of racism ..... sexism, ageism, preference... you know the deal...... after you define racism for us and lay out how exactly it works in Australia
(we do not accept the problems of Darkest Botswaffistan with it gross abuses of women and human rights as being amenable to our solution - most here have enough trouble getting enough food on the table and getting a regular job to feed their families)...
Is it just to remove genuine equal opportunity from the minority tribe in your society - that 49% - to cater to the whims of the 51%? For example.. or to hand the same privileges to 3% + 3% because they are not of the majority of that 49% Masculine Tribe?
Is it just that tinteds get special preference in sentencing for the same crimes?
Is it just to not intervene to protect the innocent among your own citizens - in a civilised society governed by the rule of law - when clearly a minority group - 3% - is the highest representation in murder and injury?
Is it just to not exercise higher legal scrutiny over groups that clearly have a high percentage of serial and career criminals?
Is it just to uphold the principles of removing 'generational disadvantage' for 3%, but not for the high percentage of the 97% - the Generational Dole Bludger Class who are primarily White?