Frank wrote on Jun 26 th, 2021 at 10:16pm: Karnal wrote on Jun 26 th, 2021 at 7:01pm: Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26 th, 2021 at 6:51pm: Karnal wrote on Jun 26 th, 2021 at 6:42pm: Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26 th, 2021 at 5:46pm: Karnal wrote on Jun 26 th, 2021 at 5:44pm: Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 26 th, 2021 at 5:19pm: Tinted races do a far better job of subjugating themselves than anyone else could ever do... Good point for discussion, Grappler. Does this make them racist? When they seek to impose their flawed values on others of a different hue because of the presumption that their 'tint' is somehow better- yes... poverty and disadvantage, neglect and abuse, don't give one damn what colour your paint job is... Oh? Are you suggesting that you're not racist?Please explain? I seek to impose nothing on anyone - I merely exercise my right to go about my peaceful business... that makes me the furthest thing from a racist or anything else... born here from multi-generations .. always was Grappler Land, always will be.... The reality is that it is certain others seeking to impose on me for no reason.... simply because I'm White, Old and a Man... look at mothra... constantly railing at Old White Men - how dare she? Just reading a book on various people who killed masses in WW II - one was aircrew on a B-29 bombing Japan - he hated the Japanese for what they did, but later his son married a Japanese lady who he says is the best thing that ever happened to his son. We're all pretty much like that.... with the odd thing being that there is a perfect junction of Asian ladies being treated as second class and Western men being pushed into the same situation.... a meeting of both worlds far outside the political sphere... When there is the need for a solid family unit to prosper (which is why the patriarchals like Greeks etc are over-running us economically), forming a solid family unit is the optimum for all, rather than the insensate destruction of families being perpetrated on the West by feminism and its running dogs.... no wonder Western sheilas are losing the race.... Sorry, is that a denial? Where does multicultural diversity celebration end and racism begin, paki? Set the parameters, since you bandy 'wacism' about as if we had a settled agreement on what it means - which we don't, you don't. Are you a racist, for example, by having a bone in your nose in a country where it's seen as primitive barbarity? Niqab, pajamas, ditto? How much contemptuous, hostile racism should a liberal Western society tolerate from militantly backward pakis? Why not Nazi uniforms - they communicate the same apartness and hostility. Why are you bastards cool with openly hostile Muslims but not with Nazis?? if you were consistent about your hate for the West you would welcome both since there is no difference between them as far as your shared hatred of the west goes and in their methods in dealing with dissidents. There is no difference between you, Islamists, commies and Nazis. Same ideology, aims, methods, rhetoric. Hard to say, dear boy, but I'm curious. Did you just use a disparaging racial ephiphet to describe silly old moi? Most brave of you. After all, here you are diverting and distracting and preening about being, you know, not racist.So how would it look if, there you were, hurling racial jibes at your fellow board members? What would your hosts think if someone they invited into their country made the deliberate decision to spread bold-faced lies about his fellow citizens' race?I think they'd feel a little cheated, don't you? Imagine letting in a devious old card-carrying Nazi who spreads porkies and promotes social division. I think your newly-aquired fellow citizens might have a problem with that. You?