Frank wrote on Jun 29 th, 2021 at 8:59pm: Karnal wrote on Jun 29 th, 2021 at 8:53pm: Frank wrote on Jun 29 th, 2021 at 8:35pm: Karnal wrote on Jun 29 th, 2021 at 2:28pm: Frank wrote on Jun 29 th, 2021 at 1:52pm: Karnal wrote on Jun 28 th, 2021 at 3:55pm: Valkie wrote on Jun 28 th, 2021 at 3:31pm: Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 28 th, 2021 at 2:05pm: Frank wrote on Jun 28 th, 2021 at 2:03pm: Never been better since they forced the British out and restored their civilisation... Civilization??????? People who shite on the street. People who cut off their penis to become some sort of cult People who will rob you at a moments notice People who have been known to murder children to sell their skeletons Real civilized Nearly, not quite, but nearly as bad as muzzos. He's right, Grappler. These people are genetically programmed to sh it in the street, cut their dicks off and sell their kids' skeletons for garden fertiliser. Inferior culture. WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE, no? Which one is it, buftie, genetic or cultural? (NB. We already have a Bbwian, possibly two, don't need another one (gawd'elpus).) Correlation not causation, wasn't it? Over to you. Culture, then (changeable). Keep primitive street shitters and wife burners out. No matter what colour they are. Let in the civilised and compatible, no matter what colour. Culture is everything. So civilised. Do you know what you are, dear boy? You're a L.. A lib... A... Sorry, we no speaka da English. How do you people say it? We say 'he is not a lying duplicitous anal bandit who distorts everything'. Put that in Google translate, buftie. Sorry, old chap, we didn't quite catch the pronunciation. Where did you come from, exactly? In English, if you please.