aquascoot wrote on Jul 20
th, 2021 at 9:53am:
What on earth are you on about
I presented the data that Sweden has had one covid death in the last 4 days
It is the moronic people such as yourself marsupial
Who have prevented the population learning how to live with this virus
Like Singapore? I assume you were fed the line that they've stopped reporting on the cases etc? You didn't even read the information you posted, it was clearly their plan once they reached 60% vaccination, not something they were starting immediately.
But you accuse me of being a liar because you were wrong and were called out?
I get that one shouldn't just accept anecdotal evidence, which when I said my family over there were still seeing the reports on the news and were contacted by their contact tracing team and told to get tested and isolate, that was anecdotal, but at least read the links you posted, not just the TLDR that someone told you either from social media or Sky News...
(Update: both are vaccinated and have not returned any positive results and are out of self-isolation)
And you did the same thing for Sweeden...
Early on I asked you if you had any limits to how many deaths are too many. And you still refuse to put a number on that. You're unwilling to set any goalposts because your number 1 priority is protecting your opinions and beliefs and having nothing to do with what is actually true or best for society.
And that's ok. Most people don't want to challenge their belief system. It's a crying shame, but at least I understand.
Don't just pretend you are coming from any sort of evidence-based position when time and time again you have to cherry-pick data and ignore anything that doesn't suit your agenda or be simply wrong about the claims you're making.
I'm guilty of it too, feeling safe in my beliefs and not wanting to challenge them. I had a hard time believing the bullshit Trump was saying about the virus and the treatments and were just dismissing it immediately. Then some more information started coming out about hydroxychloroquine that made me question my immediate dismissal. Then there were doctors saying they'd used it to treat patients and had huge success with it and it made me begrudgingly investigate further.
Sure, it was a monumental waste of time because the doctor was Stella Immanuel. There were actual trials with published results that followed up, resulting in many medical authorities refusing to authorise treatment using the drug because of the adverse effects. But at least it helped me identify some of my own biases, even if the evidence did not require me to change my opinion.
But let's not kid ourselves, we actually want the same thing. We want an end to the restrictions and lockdowns and end the "murder porn" news reporting and a transition into living with the virus just like we do the flu.
You just want to do that now before we're ready.
The US did that, their freedumbs were worth more than human lives and sure enough, their death count was enormous. The only way they've got out of that was through vaccinations at around 50% of the population.
Same with Sweeden, they had out of control deaths, but now that their vaccination rate is around 47%, as you say they've seen very few daily deaths.
There is a pattern forming, right? You can see it yeah?
Live with the virus without any immunity means uncontrolled spread, death, lifelong injury and excess deaths due to overwhelmed hospital system.
We finally have a chance, slowly, to get vaccinated. Why would we follow the path of the US and ensure especially during Winter with more people indoors, more dry air allowing for easier spread and the delta variant that is far more contagious to spread out of control and invite all that death, all the people who will suffer life long health impacts, families torn apart and life long trauma etc, because what, you can be scared and anxious at home on your toilet?
We should have had far more access to vaccines to the point where everyone who wants one was able to get it, but, ignoring the reasons why that's the case for argument's sake (Scomo), we have to live with the reality that we won't have the supply we need until the end of the year.
So why burn everything down now when there is, finally, a clear pathway out?
Why do you have such a raging boner for killing people?