cods wrote on Jul 20
th, 2021 at 6:33pm:
Bias_2012 wrote on Jul 20
th, 2021 at 6:28pm:
Heavens no cods, but if you psycho analyze Gladys, you'll come to the same conclusion as I did
She has some traits the same as Adolf - she's childless, she's overly determined to have her way, she's somewhat racist, and she is strongly against anyone who opposes her. All her traits are in her genes and DNA, there's very little cognitive process going on, it's all pretty automatic. Only a skilled computer programmer would make a good partner for Gladys, someone that could program, and de-program her at will
I dont see her that way at all I reckon shes done a pretty good job when you think what she inherited
mind you we dont like women doing a good job in this country do we?? even women will bring them down.. Way I see it - they brought that on themselves by demanding affirmative action....once institutionalised, legalised, and legitimised discrimination became the law of the land, nobody was safe.
Guess most of you missed it.... now it's only 'discrimination' if you can claim to belong to an Accredited Victim Group, or in Critical Race Theory vernacular, an 'Oppressed' social group... meaning you must be given certain 'rights' that nobody in the 'other' group/s ever held, just to make it right, and you can have that enforced by the apparatus of 'law'.
Sadly for that kind of off the planet thinking - Rights must be equal for all to even begin to be Rights.... and you can never create 'equality' by enforcing some preference for certain groups who claim to be 'oppressed', which automatically works against Equality.
Guess you missed it.