Gay men will be crushed to death by pushing a WALL onto them as part of nationwide return to Sharia law in Afghanistan under the Taliban, one of the Islamist group's judges reveals
A Taliban judge has given a terrifying glimpse into life under the Islamist group and the fate that awaits Afghanis if the country falls back under their control.
Gul Rahim, 38, spoke matter-of-factly about cutting hands and legs off thieves, issuing permits for women to leave their homes and toppling walls on gay men as a form of execution in his Taliban-controlled district in central Afghanistan.
He added that his aim is to introduce the Sharia law punishments across the whole of the country if the Taliban can re-take control once America departs, saying: 'That was our goal and always will be.'
Asked what punishments the Taliban considers for gay men, he replied that there are only two options.
'Either stoning or he has to stand behind a wall that falls on him. The wall must be 8ft to 10ft high,' he said.
As the Taliban quickly retakes territory amid America's departure from the country, many women are trying to leave - afraid of living life under the Islamist group.
Rahim did little to assuage those fears when he insisted that women will be allowed to leave the house under Taliban rule, though will have to obtain a permit first.
While western leaders hope that fighting will end with some form of power-sharing deal between the government and Taliban, many fear the Islamists will emerge victorious and seize back control over the country. Would the Aghan refugees who are fleeing be considered Islamophobes according to Brian?