Valkie wrote on Jul 19
th, 2021 at 3:43pm:
Black countries.....poverty, overpopulation, backward, violent and destined to be parasites off the successful whites.
Stop feeding them
Stop throwing aid at them
Let them sort their own shite out
The time to stop helping Africans attain some reasonable quality of living ended a decade or more ago. Now, it is about trying to exploit Africans to do those low-paid jobs to produce those low-quality goods to sell upon the world and try to become the next emerging region. Kenya and Ethiopia are getting things going well with their economy. Though, some Kenyans have told me that despite the gains, there are still some troubling areas.
Somalia and Zimbabwe are failed states. Though, at least Zimbabwe is trying to dig up out of trouble. South Africa went from being a country with sanctions against it, with a white minority government keeping the country in control of some order. Then the apartheid was lifted and so too was the sanctions. The economy was boosted for a while. Then things started to fall apart for South Africa with the brain drain to other countries.
You are not going to win a war against poverty by ignoring it. Because the impoverished will just move to other more successful countries and be parasites there.