Ayn Marx wrote on Jul 21
st, 2021 at 9:33am:
Valkie wrote on Jul 21
st, 2021 at 9:13am:
Cowards killing women and children.
Will muzzos ever grow enough balls to actually fight like real men or are they destined to follow in the way of their cowardly, sociopath, self confessed pedophile, lying prophet Mo the mad?
And the likes of Bwyannnnnnnnn, and Peccar head still try to lie about white terrorism being a problem.
While I can in general agree with your perspective on Islam I suggest in your obsessive focus on it’s evils blinds you to the greatest threat we face, our own tribalist nature as a species.
No matter the religion or ideology used to justify a multitude of crimes the underlying problem will always be mindless tribalism. Not such a problem when us monkeys were only armed with clubs, spears then guns. We’re now however equiped with the ability to remove all life on this planet many times over. Until and unless we have a very close look at
what we are self induced extinction of our kind is not very far away.
And that’s without even considering the implications of allowing viruses such as Ebola etc to cross the barrier into our world, genetically manipulated or not.
I’d like to urge you to ‘be very afraid’ but it appears most homo sapiens are unable or unwilling to see the central problem —
Dont get me wrong, I firmly believe the best thing that can happen to the planet earth is that mankind be wiped out.
But when a cult is hell bent on taking over the world with the sole intention of imposing brutal, violent and Satanist rule.
I feel it is my responsibility to at least continue to make mention of it.
When Hitler was coming into power.
It wasn't the evil people that let it happen, it was those that refused to oppose him and his way.
If those good men and women had opposed him from the start, he may have never reached power and murdered millions of innocent people.
The muzzo cult Satan's own.
Is as bad or worse than Hitlers SS.
People need to recognize this.