You can safely pack up and put away Dr Kevorkian's Nembutal Machine
NO vaccine has EVER - and NOR will ever - be mandatory in this country
Allergies come from
certain components that make up the formula -
not from every component in
every vaccine This is one of the reasons we have such a
wide array of differing formula vaccines in the medical market-place
In the same sense of fail-safe, we have
SIX DIFFERENT annual 'flu' vaccinations available this 'flu season
So, an absolute allergy to all and everything dispensed through a syringe is not an argument or defence that holds up
conscientious objection against all vaccines - without an specified reason - is
your RIGHT in this democracy But you must also accept as the
RIGHT in this democracy to any company or government department to demand proof of full covid cover as a condition of employment
Such a
RIGHT in this democracy should also extend to the private sector premises of all hotels, bars, restaurants, cafes, supermarkets, gynasiums, swimming centres, theatres and cinemas, medical practices and hospitals - to name a few examples of a much longer list
I'D be asking mself if stepping outsiide of society - with all of the other anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists - was really worth the cost ?
I mean, who'd want to spend eternity - in world of 'lost nails' ?
The science will ALWAYS prevail