aquascoot wrote on Jul 26
th, 2021 at 7:59am:
No, these are my personal views, borrowed from your and your conservative bretheren.
You have a problem when someone who you don't agree with acts like you?
Mirror champ.
But seriously, screw these people.
Their actions, not words, social media posts or thoughts, but their actual physical actions have forfeited any compassion they'll get from me.
I know you're unfamiliar with the term personally and you spend every second running from it despite your claims of being an honourable alpha and walking the righteous path, but you're just like the Donald. Always someone else's fault, always someone to blame, the path twists and turns and winds back on itself as you change the goalposts or attempt to rewrite your history, it's anything but righteous.
These people should be held to account for their actions, but it, sadly, will be others who pay the ultimate price for their actions.
Should they have a change of heart and see the error in their ways there will always be a door open for them, but if they choose to walk through that door unvaccinated, unmasked and untested during the height of the spread and lockdowns right now, the door gets slammed in their face.
They've chosen their path, let them walk it into the ground. Hopefully, they're walking alone and not taking anyone else with them, but if they choose the ground, let them have the ground.
If you don't like it, maybe start a hashtag?
I've learned that it's less likely these pilled morons actually suffer for some form of mental illness even though it's natural to jump to that conclusion. They've made a decision to accept content that only reinforced their opinions and reject everything, usually via a conspiracy, that doesn't support it.
It's a choice, not an illness.
If we have to live with that choice, so should they. You're just cut up because their choice mirrors yours and all the rhetoric you've been posting about opening up, fighting the lockdown and mitigation efforts and being a big strong brave man and facing the virus head-on, not cowering under the covers or like you, having a mental breakdown on the toilet.
You want to talk about the true colours of someone, do you even feel the slightest bit of personal responsibility or remorse for the superspreader events the protests have become given your rhetoric online?