Protest peacefully - wear a mask - keep your distance ... no problem...
This stupidity
unveiling unfolding
(that's the word - getting old)
is as bad as that BLM BS ...
Protest vigorously and illegally and you are on the radar... keep the peace and work assiduously 'under the radar' with a steady program of enlightenment and education in real rights, and eventually your way will win. Become a 'U-Boat' - not a surface raider...
When Chairman Dan takes on the mantle of Supreme Leader to control this dire situation and suspends all civil rights and liberties, as a last resort, of course, all those on the lists will be rounded up and 're-settled' ... Scotty's building the camps in a bi-partisan move....
Meanwhile his Overlords in china, under the protection of International Lockdown™, see a clear opportunity to expand their borders and take back what is heritage territory... Taiwan, Burma, Laos, Cambodia and by extension fiercely independent Vietnam, oceanwards towards The Philippines
(Go East, Young Man!)
- Always Was Chinese Land - Always Will Be, no?