Aussie wrote on Aug 8
th, 2021 at 2:37pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Aug 8
th, 2021 at 9:58am:
'hauled before a court' - already prejudicing the concept of innocent until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.
Bastard wouldn't be hauled before a court unless he was guilty, eh?
With no evidence of sexual activity... well... let's just say that action should have been taken at the time and not days weeks and months later.
And THAT, Poppets - is a perfectly neutral stance on this issue - I defend and uphold nobody, only the rule of law.
'Hauled' is a tad emotive, but, a Summons to appear does have the effect of 'hauling one before the Court.'
No evidence.......I'd say there is plenty. If he is gonna run this defence of 'nothing happened,' I doubt it has any chance of getting up unless he gives evidence, and as soon as he is in the witness box......he is gonna be torn to shreds. There are so many avenues to attack him on.
It isn't 'hauling' by a bunch of thugs intent on press-ganging... it is a demand that you appear. You can choose to or not, and you can have representation as well, to guarantee that you are not treated with violence in that demand. A little bit different.
'evidence' - yes - evidence amounting to proof positive?? That's another story... all the Compelling, Corroborative, Physical Evidence was never present.
Without substantial corroborating evidence the evidence of a plaintiff alone cannot stand. That is the rule rarely adhered to in this country.
As I said - I'm defending no-one or their actions - I merely seek the truth.
There are many avenues to attack young Brittany on as well - IF the courts will allow proper cross examination.
Not quite the same, counsellor, and you know it.