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Australian Politics
Posts: 12197
As I've repeatedly said it's irrelevant, then I won't be badgered into naming the banned books. fd : The law does not care. You can burn any book you want. --------------------- NSW Crimes Act. "publish" includes- (a) distribute, disseminate, circulate, deliver, exhibit, lend for gain, exchange, barter, sell, offer for sale, let on hire or offer to let on hire,
(2) A person who publishes an indecent article is guilty of an offence. Maximum penalty--in the case of an individual--100 penalty units or imprisonment for 12 months (or both), and in the case of a corporation--200 penalty units. Penalty Unit $110. --- And I should burn a banned book if I could be accused of exhibiting it. $11,000. Where does the Quran name me? It was written 1400 years ago. If a book names me to be killed, I would burn it. I feel like I'm drunk, answering your logic.