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Australian Politics
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If the Author wants to learn about the scandals behind fake Wollumbin, Arakwal and Bundjalung National Parks and the conspiracy to hide the failures of Aboriginal Affairs and Native Title extending to the departments of PM and Cabinet and the NSW Premiers Department, here is my complaint to Minister Matt Kean, please feel free to copy my complaints and send them to Matt Kean, Premiers and PM's departments.
Minister Kean,
It appears that you, N.S.W. Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Prime Minister Scott Morrison have been deceived by your own departments and governments about the failure of Australian Aboriginal Affairs, Native Title, National Parks Aboriginal cultural heritage with the Premiers Counsel refusing our request to meet with the Premier and sending our complaints of false Wollumbin, Arakwal and Bundjalung National Parks and deliberate misuse of state funds to then National Parks and Aboriginal Affairs Ministers and N.S.W. ICAC for their "information" instead of investigation.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been deceived by his Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and his own government, I sought the dismissal of Mr Warren Mundine as head of the Prime Ministers Indigenous Advisory Council after finding his claimed Bundjalung identity to be a white mans fabrication and had Mr Mundine excused as the chairman of the IAC through the department of PM and Cabinet, (refer emails below) also the secretariats of the false Forrest review of Indigenous Employment and Training and the false Deloitte Native Title review sent our submissions to all relevant Government departments, including the department of PM and cabinet who have deceived Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who then misused $330,000 funding Mr Mundine's Sky News program and attempted to install Mr Mundine as the LNP candidate for the seat of Gilmore.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's COS Drew Clarke, writing for the PM in his letter to me (refer attachments) did not address any of the scandals of Dept of PM and cabinet funding identity frauds and perjury before the Federal Court with fake Arakwal a board member of NSW Ntscorp, Native Title body funded by P.M and Cabinet. (refer emails below)
You must request NSW ICAC investigate deliberate misuse of NSW National Parks funds with fake Arakwal and the deliberate misuse of $160,000 by the fake Wollumbin Aboriginal committee, their crony consultant and National Parks officers.
Fake Arakwal are identity frauds that have stolen an error of Ngarakwal from other Aboriginal family's to get Native Title over Byron Bay and employment as National Parks staff. Norman Tindale of the 1938 Harvard Expedition recorded Arakwal "Mary" as the full blood apical ancestor (Tindale family tree sheet 6), nothing has gone to her descendants and if fake Arakwal can not prove descent then you have no option but to refer this complaint to NSW ICAC and the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations and the NSW Police to have them prosecuted as identity frauds.
An error occurred in the NSW National Parks sites of Significance study of the Keeper of Lore, Elder Millie Boyd, who stated Wulambiny Momoli as the name for Mt Warning and Wollumbin the Warrior, the place of death and burial. "Wollumbin" The Keeper of Lore, Elder Millie Boyd NSW National Parks 1977 Anthropological Study - YouTube A false transcript on the Mt Warning site registration, claiming Mrs Boyd said Wollumbin as the name for Mt Warning has made all subsequent studies false and made all supposed Aboriginal knowledge holders imposters, caught by the error as has happened with fake Arakwal. OEH Director General Lisa Corbyn gave $160,000 to the fake Wollumbin Committee to undertake a cultural study on Mt Warning after the name Wollumbin was taken from my family's peak in 2006 and applied as a fake Aboriginal name to Mt Warning. The fake Wollumbin committee selected their crony researcher, who had previously committed academic fraud at Southern Cross University with the fake Bundjalung Mapping Project, after stating in Tweed Shire Council's Ministry of the Arts funded Community Based Heritage study (2003) that Bundjalung / Yugambeh were "contemporary terms". Tweed Byron Aboriginal Lands Council and the fake Tweed Wollumbin AECG signed off on that statement and have deceived National Parks with their claims of fake Bundjalung Aboriginal identity for almost twenty years.
The fake Wollumbin Committee, National Parks officers and the crony researcher deliberately misused the extraordinary funding of $160,000 and falsified the study by deliberately not including the primary source study tape of the Keeper of Lore, National Parks own study. The crony researcher personally gave me that tape prior to falsifying the study.
To continue with the planned closure of Mt Warning and not act on these scandals would be deceiving Parliament, National Parks staff agenda of the planned closure of Mt Warning is more deception, no public consultation has occurred.
You need to inform the Premier of these scandals within her own department and government and she needs to inform Prime Minister Scott Morrison of these scandals in his own department and government. A Royal commission inquiry is needed to expose and resolve these scandals.
I am producing a series of documentaries to expose these scandals, these documents and this complaint will be published, included in my documentary and given to all press, objectors to the closure of Mt