goosecat wrote on Sep 1
st, 2021 at 2:23pm:
aquascoot wrote on Sep 1
st, 2021 at 1:56pm:
interesting goose.
regarding india,
they eat a lot of tumeric which does seem to have some effect on helping zinc get into cells.
and green tea also seems to help transport zinc and magnesium into cells.
its fascinating there hasnt been any health advice AT ALL in the last 18 months on personal responsibility to improve your nutrition.
i think thats because its very easy for smug intellectuals (who are probably fat and have a crap diet) to feel like they are health experts by just "wearing a mask and getting jabbed"
now you SHOULD do those things but you should do a lot more.
looking at all these co morbities it is blatantly obvious that unhealthy people die and healthy people rarely do.
so why not change your diet, exercise and beef up your supply of green tea and green vegetables.
i guess virtue signalling about a vax is just a lot easier then fundamentally getting down , elbows deep in the mud and changing at your core
I think it's a little more complex than "lazy people". It is undoubtedly more work getting into large, healthier dietary changes which involves much more food preparation and effort for the individual. The truth is there seems to be an ever growing number of individuals for whom even that does not seem to mitigate accelerating immune response issues throughout society. Even Cancer is really a manifestation of malfunctions in immunity, as malignant cells manage to escape recognition and elimination by the immune system.
There is plenty of data out there saying for the first time in possibly human history, our average life-spans have started going back-wards. There's lots of theories on what is driving that but basically there is too much broad spectrum disease development for it to be attributed to a single issue. I'd say there is likely to be simply too much chemical addition through all the food, water and environmental chains, in too short a time span, for our bodies to have adapted. That's not some big, green, left conspiracy opinion. It's a pretty sensible and central bow to draw in reality.
Not sure what the answer is though. Removing a large number of all the chemical interactions, including right back to growing and producing base meat and vegetables etc would have major repercussions for production levels.
There is of course the argument saying it is simply nature finding it's natural balance. Perhaps humans in there current form shouldn't be living longer.
yes, good point goose.
its why a vax is a good idea but you are going to need to do more then that.
so many "co-morbitites' can be reversed.
and people with lots of these health issues can "exist" as long as their systems arent stressed.
covid is a stress on your lungs, obviously.
if someone told me to carry a log to the top of a hill, i'm confident i could do it.
i doubt most people succumbing to covid could climb a flight of stairs.
but they have ample opportunity to work on their fitness.
why would you rely just on a vaccine when these facts are staring you in the face.
we really would be better off if Dan and Gladys led their states in a 1 hour cross fit class every day at 11 am instead of talking for the 100th time about "jabs in arms"
and those sherpas , who have the best lungs on the planet, live on that anti oxidant filled tea.
not as yummy as coca cola but way better