aquascoot wrote on Aug 26
th, 2021 at 5:36pm:
Jovial Monk wrote on Aug 26
th, 2021 at 5:09pm:
Too true, whether Scoot is stupider than Booby or vv is really a moot point.
Booby thinks copying and pasting is a “brave act” and in the light of such stupidity you can do nothing but shake your head.
A churl of the round table is Boooby.
if youre a "fraidy cat" it would seem "stupid'
to climb mt everest or ride a motor cycle or surf or scuba dive.
some people are just "up for a challenge".
i think covid could be a really interesting experience.
it might be life changing
a lot of cancer survivors say that beating cancer 'defined" them and made them feel more alive.
facing up to a bit of threat is good for you.
we have beceome so risk averse.
its not normal and its not healthy
I agree, dear. A couple of weeks on a ventilator could provide the time to practice some gratitude meditation, catch up on the positive affirmations and visualise that hot babe riding in your new turbo-charged 4wd.
Maybe do a few 30 second workouts in your hospital bed and keep the lungs ventilated.
All that, or just watch the games shows and infomercials on hospital cable. Listen to Wayne Dwyer's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People on Audible.
Every little bit helps, no?
Nearly Highest covid cases in Sydney and lowest vaccination rates.