QUESTION;Do you know how many people in Australia 'died -with- INFLUENZA', in 2019 ?
It was
4,124, with
a Median Age at death, of 88.8 .
From the Australian Bureau of Statistics website....
Quote:Leading causes of death, Australia - selected years - 2010, 2014, 2019 (a)(b)(c)(d)
Influenza and pneumonia (J09-J18) 2,373 2,879
4,124 [Median Age] 88.8 2019,
4,124 Australians 'died -with- INFLUENZA', !!!!
QUESTION;Did Australian governments, in 2019, LOCK-DOWN Australian society, after this 'terrible' mortality figure became widely known ?
/sarc off
Globally, deaths from the COVID virus,
appear to be comparable [if slightly elevated], to deaths from influenza.
The COVID virus is a new pathogen, so its 'form' may be unfamiliar to all of our immune systems, and so the COVID virus can be expected to cause slightly more annual deaths than influenza.
But the COVID virus isn't going away, and we are all going to have to learn to 'LIVE WITH COVID', imo.
I have a functioning immune system.