Carl D wrote on Aug 30
th, 2021 at 12:04pm:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 30
th, 2021 at 10:19am:
Gladys is getting on with applying the Delta blowtorch to the population
Can't argue with that.
840 in hospital.
137 in ICU.
149 deaths (and counting, 4 more yesterday).
I'll be waiting for the Royal Commission into this disaster when it is (hopefully) over and there needs to be some HEAVY prison sentences handed out to Gladys and her 'team', including 'team leader' Scott Morrison.
It'll never happen, of course.
The interesting thing from a statistical and comparable point of view, is the higher infected Covid cases and lower death rates in NSW to that of Victoria last year.
And mostly the deaths were in aged care in Victoria.
Has NSW a magic bullet of how to look after elderly residents in age care homes?
It seems the deaths are minimal compared to their almost double infectious rates to Vic, and then the 3 or so deaths seem to not be all clustered in one area.
Now then, in Victoria last year, we had just over 700 cases daily with infections, with a dozen deaths per day, mainly aged care.
So what is different with NSW so far into the midst of their dilemma?
Is it because it’s a variant of Covid (Delta)?
If so… is it more easily spread yet not as lethal?
I noted last year in Qld how protective they were of their aged care.
I did admire that. I felt very angry last year with how our aged care in Vic suffered so much. That’s not admirable.
So tell me why the huge noticeable difference between states in that regards?