These are individuals from 'special communities', who's desire is to choke and to destroy Australian society.
Probably moslems.
Yadda said....
The ISLAMIC modus;
Emigrate to an infidel state.
Live there, and do all you can to weaken and to wreck the infidel state.
When the infidel state is sufficiently weakened, a [violent] ISLAMIC revolution will be fomented.
And this is the modus, of
the 'peaceful' moslems who live among us, within our own nation.
Example of this modus, in the UK....
Inside the sect that loves terror
.....They are so opposed to the British state that
they see it as their duty to make no economic contribution to the nation.
One member warned our undercover reporter against getting a job because it would be contributing to the kuffar (non-Muslim) system.
Instead, the young follower, Nasser, who receives £44 job seekers’ allowance a week, said it was permissible to “live off benefits”, just as the prophet Mohammed had lived off the state while attacking it at the same time.
Even paying car insurance was seen as supporting the system.
“All the (Saviour Sect) brothers drive without insurance,” he said.
cited..... Aussie example of moslems abusing, to weaken and to wreck the infidel state.... Aussie examples, of moslems abusing, to weaken and to wreck the infidel state,
'CAT MEAT' MUFTI CHEATING AUSTRALIAN TAXPAYERS.... of this criminal activity [by our laws], IS LAWFUL TO A MOSLEM [ISLAMIC law].
...because the moslem is doing 'injury' to the enemies of Allah.