Directly after 9-11, the U.S. determined, that Osama Bin-Laden had been behind it.
The U.S. knew he was being given sanctuary in Afghanistan, by the Taliban.
THE PROBLEM; The Taliban said they would NOT surrender Osama Bin-Laden, to the U.S.
So, how to compel the Taliban to surrender Osama Bin-Laden ?
This was a problem which was so, so solvable !
So, so easy.
Directly after 9-11, back in 2001, 'the Afghanistan problem' was, could have been, a very simple problem to solve.
So, so easy.
And, it would have involved very minimal intentional Afghan casualties.
At the Duntroon military college a senior student exam question could have been given; Asking how to force the Taliban to surrender Osama Bin-Laden, 1/ with minimal resource expenditure, and 2/ with very minimal intentional Afghan casualties.
I'm sure some of those students could have proposed a very similar solution, to the one that came to my mind.
I didn't attend Duntroon military college, but i can see how to accomplish that task.
And to accomplish it very simply, and with very minimal intentional Afghan casualties.
And accomplish it probably, in less than 20 weeks, from initiation.