"If you have to be persuaded, reminded, bullied, pressured, incentivized, lied to, guilt tripped, coerced, socially shamed, censored, threatened, paid, punished, and criminalized,..." . In this YT, Professor of Medicine Dr Peter McCullough is promoting the use of Hydroxychloroquine. ‘It must be part of a master plan’: COVID drugs banned despite efficacy 05 min 1,064,528 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1eXkeW444w . IN THE COMMENTS..... Quote: Bert M 1 day ago
19 months later and the world's establishment refuse to even have an open discussion about anything
. Quote: juan garcia 2 weeks ago
If you have to be persuaded, reminded, bullied, pressured, incentivized, lied to, guilt tripped, coerced, socially shamed, censored, threatened, paid, punished, and criminalized, if all of this is necessary to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain what is being promoted is not in your best interest.
. Quote: Paul Colson 2 days ago
All I can say is, My wife of 38 years has Lupus and has been taking hydroxychloroquine for about 5 years ... She has been around people with cv19 and never contracted it.