greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 16
th, 2021 at 8:25pm:
I'm not criticising you.
I'm genuinely concerned for your health, and genuinely hope you can get all the problems sorted out.
I just want you to be aware that the more prescriptions a doctor writes the better it is for them.
Even if it's only once a year for one individual.
Every little bit adds up.
They might not be doing it for your benefit.
The computers on their desks, the expensive dinners on a Friday night, the weekend trips to Singapore, the new Audi in the driveway - these are all paid for by pharmaceutical companies.
I have a close friend who is a heart surgeon, and he's been offered close to a million dollars in incentives over the years.
This includes incentives from companies who manufacture stents.
Trust your doctor - sure. But not 100%.
I do not mind criticism. But, as long as you are being constructive with your criticism, there is no problem. Having grown up in a household where my mother is/was a registered nurse, I really should be better prepared for a healthier lifestyle than most people. However, life happens... and you can fall behind.
What I want to make sure you understand is that doctors have no shortage of patients. How often do you show up to a hospital for whatever reason and you see a waiting room with standing room only? Hospitals have no shortage of patients. And neither do GPs.
Even though I have no medical background, I have had enough research on the topic of health and nutrition to not have a single excuse for any considerable health problem. It only comes with the more involved research on endocrinology that I would have to learn. And seeing that John Dillermand did give a real direction in what I should understand in terms of insulin sensitivity, I have begun the journey in countering whatever problems I have developed regarding my diabetes.
My doctors have told me to get my blood sugars under control. My main doctor gave me a few pointers on what I should have to eat and drink. If it comes to a point that my doctor is telling me what to do in terms of my health that is contrary to other doctors or general health guidelines, then there will be the problem. Not me spending $6 a month on diabetic medication.