Zone 1The defensive zone
Extends 9.1m in all directions from the house.
Firefighters will defend the house from this space, it must be uncluttered and have wide firm paths. Driveway to be wide and offer another exit in case of emergency to the firefighters.
“The garden zone/defensible space is the most important zone in this model. Without igniting, this zone must be able to withstand firebrands and intense heat, between 900°F and 1,300°F. Everybody and anybody should be able to move unencumbered and swiftly through the garden zone. Firefighters will battle a blaze within these first 30 feet/[9.1m]”.
Kent, Douglas; Kent, Douglas. Firescaping (pp. 107-108). Wilderness Press. Kindle Edition.
Veges, currants, thick leaved plants etc can be grown here. Wide clear paths all around the house.
The ideals of beauty and privacy play a large role in determining plant selection. Fences, hedges, sheds, compost areas, and stored items, such as firewood, are common in this zone and add a lot of fuel.
Garden shed is over 11m from the house as will be greenhouse, compost heaps etc.
About as far as I have gotten with this book.