thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 30
th, 2022 at 11:51am:
The CCP is well aware of past mistakes and has no intention of repeating them; it has too many other tasks in advancing the nation's well-being, rather than teaching past mistakes to the present generation.
The real reason the CCP wants to keep its citizens in the dark about the Great Chinese famine is so that it can repeat those mistakes at will. It does not have the wellbeing of the Chinese people at heart.
For example it cannot keep the lights on, not for any real lack of ability or resources, but in order save face on the global playing field. Of course, it is the Chinese people who suffer as a result. example - under-reporting of covid deaths. This no doubt leads to more deaths from covid, as the country will not provide resources to save the lives of its own citizens if it is lying to itself about whether they are dying. This is pretty much the exact same cause as the great Chinese famine - internal party politics causing regional leaders to misreport what is actually happening.
Only problem is, they believe their own propaganda, and try to boast about the low death rate:'s like the CCP boasting about how well fed the Chinese people are while 50 million of them starve to death.
This is why the CCP is so hostile to both democracy and basic freedoms, like freedom of the press, and publishes so much absurd propaganda against them. Both would save the lives of countless Chinese people, but it would come at the cost of CCP leaders losing face and the CCP losing power. Ironically, the CCP champions both democracy and free and open debate within the party as the best way of managing it.
The CCP would literally prefer to kill Chinese people in large numbers than face reality.
thegreatdivide wrote on Feb 13
th, 2022 at 4:15pm:
Quote:Another good example of why the CCP doesn't want its own citizens knowing the truth about the Great Chinese Famine. They are doing it again. You just finished explaining to us how there is no point letting the Chinese people know the truth about the famine, yet you expect us to believe this BS?
"Just finished explaining" ....what? The mistakes of the pre 1980's are long past. Now whether you believe current stats is up to you.