NorthOfNorth wrote on Oct 11
th, 2021 at 12:14am:
Bias_2012 wrote on Oct 10
th, 2021 at 11:56pm:
Right again .... Covid triggered a deeply instinctive response in the politicians causing them to isolate and lock citizens in buildings, punish citizens in the street, and discriminate against and threaten many other citizens
One wonders why we vote for those University educated politicians ... I don't, but a good percentage do, glutens for punishment I suppose
When you can't get your way, like a spoiled child, start swinging a big stick
COVID triggered the pathogenic response in all of us where the virus became an issue.
Politicians are judged by their success in controlling a disaster once it begins. None usually gets credit for averting, by good management, disasters that didn't happen because of that good management. In other words, because we are not as clear-sighted as the Taiwanese, the disaster had to happen before action could be taken.
The phenomenon of those who decided the whole thing was a hoax or couldn't fathom what it all meant, is a result of at least 2 generations of Australians having no comprehension of existential threat...
Think of that clip of the beachgoer in Asia, standing on the beach, staring, as the tsunami wave was only a minute from sweeping him away to his death, presumably having never seen a tsunami before; and you'll have the analogy.
Still no excuse for politicians to become belligerent and sic their police force on us. Covid is a part of Nature, it's not like a crime wave where politicians necessarily need to concentrate on cracking down on violent criminals
The main reason for their panic was that the economy would suffer, and it wouldn't matter if it was a virus invading Australia, or an invasion of galactic aliens, they were determined to keep money coming in and circulating, there's over a billion dollars of interest on debt to pay each month ... plus there's their own excesses they enjoy and must be paid for, luxury meals in Parliament as one example, and chauffeur driven cars, etc
The real solution to Covid was to forget the money and block Australia from international air traffic and maritime shipping, only letting in fuel and medical supplies but with very stringent testing and stringent safeguards dealing with only a minimum number of crews at a time to ensure thoroughness, then send them on their way
But what we saw was umming and ahhing, flip flopping, twisting and turning, while Covid was laughing at all that and jumping ship from cruise ships and leaking out from airports, consequently spreading around
"COVID triggered the pathogenic response in
all of us where the virus became an issue
"Not me, I got out of the big city seven years ago, I could tell something like this could happen, perhaps not Covid, but certainly salmonella and massive traffic congestion caused by road accidents, road rage and ethnic crime, all of which has got worse since I left.
Covid didn't surprise me though, and it will teach city folk a lesson, the benevolent politicians you willingly vote for, can also turn against you, getting your head slammed on a hard floor and fining the hell out of you, all because the benevolent politicians stuff up, but find it difficult to blame themselves, so their next instinct is to crucify anything walking on two legs