NorthOfNorth wrote on Oct 4
th, 2021 at 2:04pm:
aquascoot wrote on Oct 4
th, 2021 at 1:19pm:
the nazis used to paint the jews as unclean, as vermin.
try to make the community feel disgust.
the unvaccinated are also painted as unclean, foul , disease ridden, vermin.
something to be exterminated or quarantined.
kept away from the virtuous. segregated ,blamed ,
its a successful strategy for the politicians
Are you expecting that the Australian armed services will be gassing the unvaccinated?
no but i would expect that the politicians will try to use this as spin.
the media in melbourne are locked out of reporting on police actions.
there is an exclusion zone.
o media helicopters allowed to film police
thats never happened before.
we could see schools refuse to allow unvaccinated kids into schools
this is happening right now in california
then its quite easy to send in childrens services and take the kids off the parents
you could use health or education breaches to do that.
how many of the demonstrators have the cash to pay 10,000 dollar fines.
the state can incarcerate them
its a bit over the top for what is a personal health choice.
and dont give me this crap about vaccinated people not being a threat.
vaccinated people carry the virus and spread it around.
that argument is not going to fly