Marla wrote on Oct 15
th, 2021 at 4:03am:
wombatwoody wrote on Oct 15
th, 2021 at 3:37am:
A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Oh, I know. This is what the Raptors living underground at the Denver Airport have been waiting on. Problem is while these Raptors are under mind control from Dr. Fauci to rid the world of overpopulation, they have been in battle with Trump's secret giant beetle army in Vietnam and this has been going on since 1951. The only way back to their underground base at the Denver Airport is by flying Delta Airlines even though their main hub is in Atlanta.
What the "MSM" doesn't tell you is that one of these pilots for Delta Airlines was on to one of these Raptors because let's face it, Fauci Raptors don't fly couch so they had to kill the pilot and dose him with alien-infused DNA they acquired in a trade deal with the Pleadians who are also at war with Trump's secret giant beetle army. It was the Pleadians themselves who hacked all the Chinese made thermostats that gave Biden the
win so that
GEORGE SOROS can finally Georgia Guidestone the planet with Chinese babies who posses alien DNA technology who will build temples to their socialist God Enki.
All True! You never hear that in the "MSM" Nosirrrreeeee
US bioweapons research was likely aimed at creating a substance that would steadily undermine (and eventually kill) untold numbers of people that would have to be eliminated in order to reduce carbon emissions, ease the depletion of scarce resources and reverse the destruction of the natural environment. Do you think the Pentagon and the CIA have contingency programs like that? Do you think globalist elites might support a policy like that?
Indeed, they would, and they would brazenly implement it in the name of “saving humanity” or some other such nonsense. Keep in mind, global population at the turn of the century (1900) was a minuscule 1.6 billion. As of 2021, the number has ballooned to 7.9 billion. And, according to projections by the United Nations, that figure will grow to roughly 11 billion by 2100.
Do you think global elites are going to sit on their hands and do nothing while the “perceived” dangers of dwindling fossil fuels and climbing temperatures continue to grow? Do you think that, perhaps, that –after years of impassioned appeals to “do something about the climate”– consensus was finally reached in 2019 paving the way for an aggressive “population management” scheme?
Of course, these are “civilized” men who would never resort to anything as vulgar as gas chambers or firing squads. Oh, no; they would seek a surreptitious method to thin the herd without the herd ever really knowing what was going on. They would need a remedy that would help them achieve their objective while invoking plausible deniability at the same time. (Enter: Fauci and the secretive bioweapons programs.) And if the truth were ever to come to light, then they would persuade the public that they were only acting in the best interests of humanity by trying to prevent the inexorable rush towards a catastrophic climate crisis. Sound familiar?
It should. Whether the world is warming or not is debatable, but what’s not debatable is how seamlessly the climate furor fits with the globalists’ authoritarian political agenda. There’s nothing coincidental about it.
In any event, the Gain-of-Function shenanigans in Wuhan probably were just the finishing touches on a plan that had been done-and-dusted years earlier in think tanks and globalist confabs where the rich and powerful gather to decide how best to shape the world to meet their own narrow specifications. My guess, is that the spike protein delivery system (aka–The Covid-19 vaccine) had been created years earlier and merely required a green light to be released on the world...
I would expect to see signs of distress as early as this winter-spring, although the data will be compiled under the “all-cause mortality” heading rather than Covid-19 deaths. We should also see a sharp uptick in cardiac arrests, myocarditis and strokes which should break dramatically from their 5-year trend-line. As the vaccine causes a generalized deterioration in overall health, the indications of harm should be noticeable in any number of ailments from neuro degenerative diseases to Bell’s Palsy.
This is not a prediction as much as it is an acknowledgment of what we’re already seeing. Check out this recent tweet from UK diagnostic pathologist Dr Claire Craig and you’ll see what I mean:
Dr Clare Craig@ClareCraigPath
Excess deaths for week ending 10th Sept 2021:
24% more heart failure deaths than baseline
19% ischaemic heart disease
16% cerebrovascular disease (strokes)
18% other circulatory diseases
Why is this happening? Why the sudden uptick in heart attacks, heart disease, vascular disease and strokes? What did we do differently in 2021 than we did in the years before?
We vaccinated the bulk of the population, that’s what we did differently.