Marla wrote on Oct 17
th, 2021 at 1:47am:
wombatwoody wrote on Oct 15
th, 2021 at 6:21pm:
You can't call it misinformation just because the scumbag lying MSM (yes, it's been shown to have lied again and again over the years) says so. Or Delta Airlines denies it.
Dude, we've been over this. We
all know it was Fauci's dinosaur Raptors who killed the pilot because they couldn't fly first class on Delta Airlines. What I didn't tell you (and I could get into a lot of trouble for saying this) is that the pilot was a Reptilian himself and the basketball player was also a Reptilian, and that they are related to the ones who are actually running the Vatican.
The pilot knew (remember, he was a Reptilian) was here to protect planet Earth from Trump's evil giant beetle army who live in underground caves in Vietnam. Israel caught wind of this and "invented" a "vaccine" to depopulate the rest of the world but then the Pleadians made a last minute tacit peace with Israel which they acknowledge that they can't just get rid of all the human race, because they will bring war down upon themselves, so they have a tacit truce, if you will, to allow humanity to be on the planet.
I swear, you're starting to sound like a kook or something.
You mentioned Soros earlier. Well then, you probably don't know about this:
The New York meeting of billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others was described by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as an informal gathering aimed at encouraging philanthropy. Just a few billionaires getting together for drinks and dinner and a friendly chat about how to promote charitable giving.
There was no agenda, we were told. And no plan for a follow-up meeting.
But in an age of fallen wealth idols, it was inevitable that a meeting of billionaire minds would draw scrutiny. Surely all that money and power in one room had to spell trouble for the rest of us.
An article in the Times of London, headlined "Billionaire Club in Bid to Curb World Population," said the issues discussed in the top-secret meeting included health care, education and--by far the most controversial--slowing the global population growth...
I am not taking a stand on population control. But from what I was personally told about the meeting--and what the Times spells out further down in its story--population control was just one of many items raised during the meeting, as each philanthropist talked about what they were working on. of many items, sure, but I bet it was one the main ones.