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Frank wrote on Jan 17 th, 2025 at 5:34pm: thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 17 th, 2025 at 5:12pm: Frank wrote on Jan 16 th, 2025 at 5:16pm: thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 16 th, 2025 at 5:08pm: Frank wrote on Jan 16 th, 2025 at 5:00pm: thegreatdivide wrote on Jan 16 th, 2025 at 4:46pm: Frank wrote on Jan 6 th, 2025 at 2:39pm: Socialism as a social or moral philosophy was IS based on the ideal of human brotherhood, At last, a correct statement from you (as amended) Quote: which can never be implemented by institutional means. ah-ha...right on cue, the self-serving Libertarian delusion rears its ugly head. Hence the entrenched wars and poverty in the world, making a mockery of the "brotherhood of man". Quote: There has never been, and there will never be, an institutional means of making people brothers. Fraternity under compulsion is the most malignant idea devised in modern times; it is a perfect path to totalitarian tyranny. Socialism in this sense is tantamount to a kingdom of lies. Despicable lies in service of your blind "freedom or death" ideology. Never say never. Achtung, baby, ve haf vayz to make you bruderz even if it killz you! (How do you say this with a Chinese accent?) Don't worry about Hitler, worry about the homeless in Oz tonight, and people who can't insure theur homes di due to market failure as privte companies can no longer make a profit in the increasing climate disasters. Just read this again. Don't cut it up into disjointed pieces, it is a sequence of ideas focusing on the difference between ideal and practice. See if you get it this time. Let's see: "Socialism as a social or moral philosophy is based on the ideal of human brotherhood" You ignored the second clause in that sentence, ya stupid, tendentious little propaganda mong. Got it. Stop looking backwards; human advance is painful but progresses nevertheless. Quote:But as a statement of solidarity with the underdogs and the oppressed, as a motivation to oppose Social Darwinism, as a light that keeps before our eyes something higher than competition and greed—for all of these reasons, socialism, the ideal not the system, still has its uses. Establishment of effective international law - ie, capable of defending the principles of the UNUDHR (which you resist kicking and screaming) is NOT "Social Darwinism", it's human progress driven by the ideals of sociaiism. Note: the human catastrophe of the 2nd world war resulted in the creation the UN - flawed but still a step in the right direction. Hopefully men of good will work to maintain the goals of the UN, and continue to make it more effective "to save mankind from the scoure of war".... urgent in the age of MAD. You crapped yourself again, parrot. Focus: Don't cut it up into disjointed pieces, it is a sequence of ideas focusing on the difference between ideal and practice. See if you get it this time. Quote:Socialism as a social or moral philosophy was based on the ideal of human brotherhood, which can never be implemented by institutional means. There has never been, and there will never be, an institutional means of making people brothers. Fraternity under compulsion is the most malignant idea devised in modern times; it is a perfect path to totalitarian tyranny. Socialism in this sense is tantamount to a kingdom of lies.
This is not reason, however, to scrap the idea of human fraternity. If it is not something that can be effectively achieved by means of social engineering, it is useful as a statement of goals. The socialist idea is dead as the project for an “alternative society.” But as a statement of solidarity with the underdogs and the oppressed, as a motivation to oppose Social Darwinism, as a light that keeps before our eyes something higher than competition and greed—for all of these reasons, socialism, the ideal not the system, still has its uses. Try again. The author's crap about "social engineering" is ideology based. eg, simple tax changes could eliminate the oppression caused by socio-economic disadvantage in Oz (and elsewhere). But self-interest and greed prevent governments from making those simple changes, in the democracies ruled by 50% plus 1..the self-interested slimest majority reigns supreme.