Belgarion wrote on Oct 31
st, 2021 at 9:08pm:
I don't have any faith in unchecked socialism, or in unchecked capitalism. The must be a middle way that combines the best of both systems while eliminating the bad.
We of the West constantly struggle and juggle with a mix of rampant capitalism and socialism... even politicians benefit from an aspect of socialism, since their salaries etc are determined by an allegedly independent group, and as a block and not as individuals....
Every viable society is a mix of socialism and capitalism... what these turkeys are talking about is not socialism, it is Communism, Stalinism, Maoism etc... none of which were socialism.
Some of that stamp love to deliberately confuse the two so as to make it look as if the heathen out there who receives free medical or social security is causing society to fail and collapse.... absolute idiots... elitists, delusionals, proto-fascists, social Neanderthals, Dark Age tyrants, dreamers of a feudal system that suits them, and all other forms of slime....