freediver wrote on Nov 10 th, 2021 at 6:02pm: Frank wrote on Nov 10 th, 2021 at 8:54am: Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Nov 10 th, 2021 at 12:09am: Frank wrote on Nov 8 th, 2021 at 7:59pm: freediver wrote on Nov 8 th, 2021 at 6:54pm: What grappler means is that real economic systems are on a spectrum from true socialism to laissez faire capitalism. This doesn't mean that the definition of socialism changes every time the context does. Of course it means just that. Unless you are humpty dumoty and you choose what a word means. Social security, medicare, age care, progressive taxation are not socialism. Socialism has some necessary attributes and these are not them. I am talking about 'scientific socialism' the stuff of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Kim etc - starting with socialising production, capital, resources, labour, dispensing with regular elections where the socialisation of the economy could be genuinely reversed, thought control, restriction of intellectual liberty etc. Ah - well I don't have time for that sh1t - I'll leave it to the experts.... use defining terms... remember when I discuss Muslim things - I differentiate between Islam and Islamism.. as an example.. for women's things it is Women and feminism, two separate groups..... So when you say Socialism and socialism - it is difficult for people to be on the same page - same as any discussion of national socialism as opposed to National Socialism... sure to bring a bite out of the unwashed.... First Define Your Terms..... then we'll talk............. What is YOUR correct title for Extreme Socialism? Fasco-Socialism? Doesn't quite hack it.... You need a new term since the worn-out Communism doesn't do it any more, either... I like Socio-Fascism myself..... same thing, different sheep skin.... This is the Humpty Dumpty argument: words mean what you want them to mean. "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." You are choosing, mixing and matching, so whetever argument is presented you can easily say, 'define socialism' and when it is defined, you say, "oh, but that's not what it means to ME!" And then you toss in a word salad of undefined and confused ideas just to keep it all as multi-headed and ever-changing so you never have to clarify what you mean and think because you know one thing for sure, that you are grappling with a lot of contradictory and vague ideas. Your idea of socialism seems to boil down to 'nice' and capitalism as 'nasty'. Here is the ACTUAL meaning of socialism: I agree with Grappler. You often see people go round in circles for pages because they are using the same words but speaking different languages. He is not choosing. He is asking you to be specific so he doesn't have to guess. I have been specific - I always talked about Marxist 'scientific socialism', supporting my points with quotes and links from authoritative sources. Never seen any alternative links, definitions, articulations, sources from either of you. So I am not surprised that the two of you agree.