John Smith wrote on Nov 4
th, 2021 at 5:18pm:
Gordon wrote on Nov 3
rd, 2021 at 7:48pm:
I find it's his detractors that think anyone who listens to him sees him as a messiah.
Most people think he's an interesting guy with some great points, some not so great.
People who hate him put up a 90 second clips to prove their point when you need to listen to 30mins or so, but that requires an attention span.
I've listened to several of his interviews over the years. He's a charlatan. A very clever one but a charlatan nonetheless.
And whilst you might not see him as the messiah, he has many fans who do.
So that's a fail from you on both points.
Not that anyone is really surprised
He is a professor of psychology. Definitely not a 'charlatan'.
And importantly, he is not saying anything new. As an educator, he is saying things that young people no longer hear from their other, tendentious, progressive, woke uni professors - he goes back to the source and listens to and explains the greats.
That is his sin - talking about the foundational ideas and books and ideas. THAT is why he has fans.
He leads young people to water and trey drink and are energised. Not by what Peterson says but by what he leads them to. That is the only point of everything he says and does as an educator - primary sources.
Idiotic Sicilians and Ukrainians are led to water but you can't make them think - so they just sneer.