Germany has returned to its true European nature after failing to be like the USA & Middle-East via Nazism
The Moslems will soon strip France of the same Political/Military/Religious empowerment that made it a Colonial Power in Europe. France will burn like a Messiah for the Prophet Mohammed like Hitler got revenge for Jesus.
France will fail also and return to its true European nature like Germany.
Then it will be Italy's turn (last month, the Mafia publicly expressed a 'tough' stance ) as they slaughter Moslems but then get their butts kicked y the Israeli 'Super Power' who steals all the Vatican gold like Conquistadors.
Then Britain's turn will come as it dies before a 'United' Islam & Israel, because its own colonies have replaced it.
Germany, France & Italy survive as European nations and return to the true European nature before it was oppressed and enslaved by Christianity from the Middle-East. Because all their 'colonies' failed.
Britain, on the other hand - its colonies succeed and replace it like 'Lancelot' North America and 'Percival' Sahul (Australia).
...unlike Germany, France & Italy. When it comes to Britain (who is the one that 'served' the Middle-East Religionism like a traitor to True Europe) - it's BYE BYE BRITAIN (FOREVER!)