Welcome Irishman.
May our new Submarines have flyscreens on them, like yours has.
Seriously though.
Its really about 'culture'.
When World War 1 fested the Pneumonic Pandemic from rotting bodies in stagnant muddy trenches mixed with the gases and chemicals used in the war with crowding in the trenches and under a festering sun... and the Militaries that were involved spread it around the world...
...only 1/3rd of the world's population was infected (directly) and of that 1/3rd - a whopping 50 million people died, DOUBLE more than the World War 1 that claimed in lives.
Now what goes around, comes around. Again a 'military' oppressed nation festers another Pandemic Virus (probably helped with Pollution and 'filthy' living standards. Though China and USA would say it was made in a Lab, because that's the 'cheaper' excuse, than the costly responsibility of 'cleaning' up their nations and their act like Climate Control, etc
This time, World War 3 WILL follow from all the Nations that have gone bankrupt and other 'financial/economic' problems.
Now consider this. If one region of the world was like a Political Parliment House full of Politicians and another was like a Hospital full of healthy people, etc - chances are, the former will suffer the effects of a Pandemic more so because their 'priorities' go against the grain in dealing with a Pandemic. So you could say, more 'political' people will die from a Pandemic, than say - Medical.
So with this in account. A 'Lockdown' is the best 'preventative' course of action against a Pandemic. Remember, 2/3rds of the World 100 years ago did NOT suffer the 'deadly' effects of the
Pnuemonic Pandemic
due to being more 'isolated' from interacting with the 'sick' nations (like the Political/Military/Religious dominated cultures).
When you have a 'fire' in a building, you 'isolate' it as your first course of action, before it inflames more so, everywhere else.
Now Australia is a sub-ordinated nation of lazy political people (by majority) who still suckle on the teat of the UK and grovel to the USA via their Prime Ministers. To lazy to run their own country and tell the PM and USA where to go with it's criminal 'international' agendas of selfish gain.
Australians do talk about a 'Republic' - but here in the Southern Hemisphere, a Republic would be nothing like what it is and historically has been in the Northern Hemisphere. It would be nothing like a Chinese or Irish Republic or even a USA Republican culture.
Politics in the North is only for the 'political' people - not the 'massive more' everyone else... like peasants.
So Lockdowns seem to only scuttle Economies dominated by Politics, Military and Religious priorities. But Lockdowns are easy-peasy for other nations/cultures around the world (Like Cuba and New Zealand) that accommodate a higher standard of Medical 'culture' in their nation.
The only reason why our USA representative called Scott Morrison forced a NSW Premier to 'take it easy' and let the Virus burn out of control into a now 'wild-fire' of a spread, is because his 'political' control of the country was slipping and he was afraid that 'Politics' would lose control, like Trump lost the USA Election. Of course, the Democrats used the Covid-Virus as a priority to jilt Trump from office, but now in - they revert back to a more 'political', rather than 'medical' stance.
Scott Morrison, got very jealous that the Australian Premiers were doing a better job than him (he did let the virus in in the first place via Cruise Liners) and we became #1 Economy
IN THE WORLD under them, even though were were under Lockdown.
So to bring it into perspective: Nations who's Economies are heavily dependent on the 'cultures' of Political/Military/Religious 'power' - are more likely to suffer both economically and with higher death rates than more 'medically' MINDFUL nations who take a
more seriously and don't
the lives of their people by making
30% of the population
by allowing the Virus to run rampant beyond lockdown control, via a 70% Vaccination target.
When Covid erupted around the world. Medical Professionals were often on TV. But now ScoMo and the other Politicians have pushed them aside to hog the limelight and talk about sticking their noses in on China's business with such STUPID things as Taiwan (belongs to China, regardless of Political stance, as did Hong Kong and 15% of Russia that the USSR stole from China).
This is why more people will die.
This is why the Pandemic will claim more than 50million, in a world now of over 8 Billion, in a world of more international 'access/connecting'.
...and like I said at the start,
"what goes around, comes around" - you could say when
DOUBLE the amount of people die in World War 3, than the Covid Pandemic...
well, karma's a biatch.
So my dear Irishman. Keep your legs together and when your local Mayor tries to blow off a threat of a giant shark called Jaws threatening the local economy via Tourism, etc.