NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 23
rd, 2021 at 5:40am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 23
rd, 2021 at 5:19am:
now lets not forget that the number of over 80 yo's will quadruple in 15 years.
do you really think we have correct priorities .
its time for that conversation
Time for death panels, you think?
A latter day 'Logan's Run' Huxleyesque dystopia?
i would think the euthenasia legislation is part of it.
the largest hospital in brisbane the PAH was rebuilt 10 years ago and its bed capaciity went from 1100 to 850.there are no more plans to increae public hospital nursing contacts tell me that nursing homes CANNOT transfer patients to public hospitals now, without a nurse navigator in emergency approving this.
recognising the stress on public beds which run at nearly 100 % capacity and a quadrupling of the very elederly in the next 15 years, it is patently obvious that the very elderly will not be recieving treatment in public hospitals to the extent they currently seem to think they will be.
the system cannot cope now and covid is just exposing a problem that is inevitable.
you simply cannot do everything for everyone to extend life.
it would require the entire spend from treasury to do so.
its not a matter of "death panels", its a matter of common sense.
the first group to be permanently booted from the hospital system were the mentally ill.
the PAH , again, used to have a 5 story psych hospital with 200 beds.
it now has 12 beds.the elderly should start petitioning for care in the community as they are unlikelly to recieve it in the public hospital setting.
the public hospitals are proceedural places with very quick turnover and throughput .
perfect for a quick cataract or stent or hernia operation but they wont cope with covid patients hanging around for weeks .
they will have to find an alternative model .
mother nature has her way in the end
For somebody who goes on and on about superior men, how come your posts are so full of poo?
Current mental health beds are 64.
Current plans to increase bed capacity by 351 Qld wide.
Yeah, you are so superior to everyone else, you make these numbers up dont you, to try and appear intelligent.