Here, you can download the ALP's 2021 national platform of policies and ideologies. Its light on specific detail, but before you can have a National anything, you have to have a strong military, secure borders, and a stable currency. Chapter 7 attempts to address these issues. On that trilogy, the Labor platform is a sadly hollow document that seems to be designed not to offend anyone or any nation.
The Chapter is full of vague assertions, and is overly concerned with the opinions of foreign governments. Its speaks of China and Indonesia as if they were our friends, and it defers to them and the UN on our political, immigration, and military decisions. It condemns Right Wing terrorism and speaks of Islam as a partner.
Chapter 7 paragraph 65: “Labor will maintain Australia’s reputation for having some of the best migrant settlement services in the world. Labor will seek to
improve these services through improving the availability and integration of
migrant and settlement services.”
Unless the ALP clarifies the implications otherwise, it means on-shore processing of anyone who claims to be a refugee. That's half the world lining up for free housing, living expenses, travel and legal costs. If you pay tax, that's your money.
The ALP criticised the Government's handling of the Chinese pandemic which world governments went into blind. Our government faced vaccine supply difficulties moving as fast as any other, and established a
bi-partisan National cabinet. The ALP criticism is political opportunism at its grubbiest.
Statements in Detail para 23: “Labor will establish an anti-slavery commission to lead our efforts to abolish modern slavery in Australia.”
This suggestion that a slavery system exists in the Commonwealth of Australia and needs to be abolished is deeply offensive to our legal system, and to me.