NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 25
th, 2021 at 2:48pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Nov 25
th, 2021 at 2:46pm:
Fine - when do I start? When to I get a Minister portfolio? Oh, sorry - I'd have to suck up to one of the major parties to get that gig, and instantly fall into the same trap of being a party empty head mouth-piece and not a person of principle and character.
You could start as an independent... Then there's the 14 hour days of working for your prospective electorate...
Don't go down the Peter Garrett path who thought, like you, it would be a piece of piss...
Ha, ha - the difficulty is not in having solid policies - it is in having the coverage of them in a realistic manner, as opposed to propaganda from a tame media, and getting the general voter to move far from the established parties, as if by wandering too far they will fall over the edge of the world and into chaos.
Many simply don't think that much.
14 hour days? Piffle - no problem at all....
My basic policy platform is simple - and laid out here many times, and includes a review of immigration, politician perks and such, privatisation, and many other things.
The hard part is getting people to actually see that they are losing from those things on a daily basis, and are being taken to the cleaners.... anything too radical frightens them... Jesus - years ago the Australia whatever party terrified the electorate by having their old ladies being called Nazis for wanting to control immigration and return it to a more congenial mix rather than the current wide open madness...
Christ, son - even at local level the small fry don't get on the wahless to push their views... there is zero concept of all getting the same level of hearing so that the electorate can actually decide. When the electorate only hears from Labor or Liberal or Greens, how are they to work out the value or otherwise of the views of Independents?
Yep... Ain't so easy, when you think about.