Bobby. wrote on Nov 26
th, 2021 at 6:46am:
NorthOfNorth wrote on Nov 26
th, 2021 at 6:42am:
The Chinese cartel has been on a collision course with the world since early 2020.
The massive overreaction to Australia's asking for an open and independent inquiry into the origins of the pandemic should have been enough to indicate what the cartel was prepared to do in the first instance (if the coercion of the WHO wasn't enough).
Xi Jinping, himself, is fighting an internecine battle within the cartel, the outcome of which, is life or death for him.
Were he to be overthrown, there will be no escape from the victors within the cartel. It's almost certain no country would accept him as a political exile, so he would either be summarily executed or subjected to a Stalinist show trial which would end in his execution.
His daughter is apparently safely outside of China but any talk of her or her whereabouts is an offence within mainland China.
His wife lives separately from him (apparently within China) but would also not likely survive Xi's overthrow.
Xi, himself, has not left China in nearly 2 years and rarely even leaves Beijing.
In short, Xi Jinping, is standing on the hill he will either die on at the hands of the cartel, or where he will take his own life in the event of a catastrophic war, were the outcomes of which to go against China.
The die is cast... It's now only a matter of when the first move in a kinetic war is made, and by whom.
Xi Jinping is a dictator just like Hitler, Stalin and Kim Jong-Un.
Im hoping this is simply another cold war.
The next war, with the weaponry now available, will most likely be very very nasty.
If China and the US used even 1/10 of their available weapons of mass destruction, climate warming would be the least of our problems.
Even some of the less destructive weaponry is not something any of want to see.
At the very least there will no longer be internet and even mobile phones will be unusable.
These information devices will be the first casualties in order to create unrest.
There is also a possibility that all devices with computer chips could be rendered useless, without any physical harm to people, but plunging technological countries into the dark ages.
Every device with a microchip suddenly sopped working.
No cars, No computers, no TV even toast in the morning could be affected.
Food would become short and even infrastructure such as power, water and sewage would be affected.
Crime, sickness and starvation could well result.
This is a serious consideration